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tNeo4jOutputRelationship Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tNeo4jOutputRelationship running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard tNeo4jOutputRelationship component belongs to the Big Data and the Databases NoSQL families.

The component in this framework is available in all Talend products with Big Data and in Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings

Use existing connection

Select this check box and in the Component List drop-down list, select the desired connection component to reuse the connection details you already defined.

DB version

Select the Neo4j version you are using.

This component does not support Neo4j version V3.2.X. Do not reuse the connection to V3.2.X defined in a tNeo4jConnection component.

Do not use a 2.X.X version and a 3.X.X version in the same Job. Otherwise, class conflict issues occur.

Neo4j version 2.X.X is compatible only with Java 7 or higher but it offers support of advanced features such as node labels.

This list is not shown if the Use an existing connection check box is selected.

Upon selecting a database version, you will be prompted to install the corresponding database driver JAR files if not yet installed. For details, see Installing external modules. You can find more details about how to install external modules in Talend Help Center (

Remote server

Select this check box if you use a Neo4j remote server, and specify the root URL in the Server URL field.

  • Set username: this check box is available when you have selected the Use a remote server check box and the Neo4j version you are using is earlier than 2.2. If the remote Neo4j server you want to connect to does not require user credentials, leave it clear.

  • Username and Password: enter the authentication information to connect to the remote Neo4j server to be used. Since Neo4j 2.2, user credentials are always required.

This check box appears only if you do not select the Use an existing connection check box.

Database path

If you use Neo4j in embedded mode, specify the path of data file.

This field appears only if you do not select the Use an existing connection check box.

Schema and Edit schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields (columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the fields.

Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property: choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection: choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata again in the Repository Content window.


Built-In: You create and store the schema locally for this component only.


Repository: You have already created the schema and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and Job designs.

When the schema to be reused has default values that are integers or functions, ensure that these default values are not enclosed within quotation marks. If they are, you must remove the quotation marks manually.

For more information, see the related description of retrieving table schemas in Talend Studio User Guide.

Server url

If you use Neo4j in REST mode, specify the root URL.

This field appears only if you select the Remote server check box.

Shutdown after job

Select this check box to shutdown the Neo4j database connection when no more operations on Neo4j are going to be performed after the current component.

Alternatively, you can use tNeo4jClose to shutdown the database.

This avoids errors such as "Id file not properly shutdown" at next execution of Jobs involving Neo4j.

This check box is available only if the Use an existing connection check box is not selected.

Relationship type

Specify the relationship type to create for each row.

Start node / Index name

Specify the index name to query the starting node of the newest relationship.

Start node / Index key

Specify the index key to query the starting node.

Start node / Index value

Select the index value to query the starting node.

Relationship direction

Select a relationship direction.

  • Outgoing: The relationship starts from the start node to the end node.

  • Incoming: The relationship starts from the end node to the start node.

End node / Index name

Specify the index name to query the ending node of the newest relationship.

End node / Index key

Specify the index key to query the ending node.

End node / Index value

Select the index value to query the ending node.


Use this table to map relationship properties with the input schema columns.

Advanced settings

Commit every

Enter the number of rows to be completed before committing batches of nodes together the DB. This option ensures transaction quality (but not rollback) and, above all, better performance at execution.

This option is only supported by the embedded mode of the database. You can't make transactions in REST mode.

Batch import

Select this check to activate the batch mode

This option is only supported by the embedded mode of the database. Be very careful with the batch import mode. Because this option is unsafe, perform a backup before Job execution.

If you want more explanations about memory mapping configuration of batch import, please refer to Neo4j documentation at:

Node store mapped memory

Type in the memory size in MB allocated to nodes.

Relationship store mapped memory

Type in the memory size in MB allocated to relationships.

Property store mapped memory

Type in the memory size in MB allocated to property.

String store mapped memory

Type in the memory size in MB in Mo allocated to strings.

Array store mapped memory

Type in the memory size in MB allocated to arrays.

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at the Job level as well as at each component level.

Global Variables

Global Variables

NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or transferred to an output component. This is an After variable and it returns an integer.

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This variable functions only if the Die on error check box is cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl + Space to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see Talend Studio User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is used as an output component and it always needs an incoming link.
Limitation n/a

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