Creating a Job for delivering Amazon SQS messages
Create a Job to open a connection to access Amazon SQS, then create an Amazon SQS queue and deliver a couple of messages to the queue, finally get and display the attributes of the queue on the console.

- Create a new Job and add a tSQSConnection component, a tSQSQueueCreate component, a tFixedFlowInput component, a tSQSOutput component, a tSQSQueueAttributes component, and a tLogRow component by typing their names in the design workspace or dropping them from the Palette.
- Link the tFixedFlowInput component to the tSQSOutput component using a Row > Main connection.
- Do the same to link the tSQSQueueAttributes component to the tLogRow component.
- Link the tSQSConnection component to the tSQSQueueCreate component using a Trigger > OnSubjobOk connection.
- Do the same to link the tSQSQueueCreate component to the tFixedFlowInput component and the tFixedFlowInput component to the tSQSQueueAttributes component.