Important information about Qlik database tables
The tables /QTQVC/CONTROL and /QTQVC/JOB_SQL contains information about SQL Connector jobs.
The table /QTQVC/TRACE is used to store trace information for the SQL Connector. Records are written when the connection string property ;=1; is part of the connection string in the Qlik script.
The table /QTQVC/STATUS contains information about jobs started for all connectors. It is also used for Process chain handling and to store the result of deletion of the Qlik database tables (when performed in background mode).
The Qlik database records can be deleted at any time.
If there is a need to perform the deletion at the same time as connector jobs are running, use the transaction /N/QTQVC/DELETE_SAFE (program /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES_SAFE). The program can be executed anytime without affecting ongoing connector jobs since it does not delete records from the latest week. Before deleting records from the table /QTQVC/STATUS also check that there are no active ‘Process chain’ records (with JOBSTATUS ‘R’ or ‘N’) in the table.
BW process chain status and QlikView tasks
Delete the database table content in dialog mode
Use transaction /N/QTQVC/DELETE. This mode is suitable to use when the number of records to delete are not too many. The reason is that there is a timeout after a while in SAP for jobs executed in a dialog process.
With this transaction it is possible to delete records from the /QTQVC/ tables or a single record from the table /QTQVC/STATUS. For the first four options all records from the specified table and year are deleted at one time. The option can be used to see how many records will be deleted (no deletion takes place). To delete the records, select the option .
Click the button when the appropriate options have been selected.
Delete database table content in background mode
This mode is suitable to use for tables with a large amount of records. Since the job is performed in the background there is no timeout.
Schedule the deletion job from an SAP transaction
Use transaction /N/QTQVC/DELETE_BGD. To perform the deletion at the same time as there are ongoing SAP connector jobs, use the transaction /N/QTQVC/DELETE_SAFE
Select which table(s) to delete records from. It is possible to limit the number of records to be deleted in the job. It is also possible to change the number of records to be deleted between each database Commit.
Start the background job by pressing the button .
Check the status of the background job in the SAP transaction SM37, is /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES or /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES_SAFE.
The result of the finished deletion job is also stored in a record in the table /QTQVC/STATUS. Key to the record is = ‘’, = current date and = current time.
Records in the table /QTQVC/STATUS with = ‘K’ will never be deleted, because they are used by the Extractor Connector.
Schedule the deletion job by using the BAPI Connector
Use the BAPI /QTQVC/ADMIN. It will execute the program /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES.
Enter ‘X’ for the table(s) where records should be deleted. It is possible to change the values for ‘’ and ‘’. should be ‘D’.
Reload the BAPI script. A field () is received as Output.
To fetch status table records containing the result of previous deletion jobs, use the same function module with the following parameters:
- MAX_RECORDS: 99999999
Reload the BAPI script. A table (STATUSTABLE) containing status table records is received as Output.
Schedule the deletion job directly in SAP
It is possible to schedule a deletion job directly in SAP (transaction SM36) by using the /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES. To perform the deletion at the same time as there are ongoing SAP connector jobs, schedule the program /QTQVC/DELETE_TABLES_SAFE instead. This task requires SAP Basis knowledge.
Update database table content
Use Transaction /N/QTQVC/UPDATE.
With this transaction it is possible to update single records from the tables /QTQVC/CONTROL and /QTQVC/STATUS. To update a record, select the wanted table, enter the key for the record, enter a new value in JOBSTATUS and click the button.