Setting up the Job
Open the Basic settings view of the
tSetDynamicSchema component by double-clicking the component
and do the following.
- Select the Read schema from file option.
Enter the path to the dynaschema.csv file in the
Filename field.
You can also enter the path to the csv file by clicking [...] next to the Filename field and navigating to the csv file.
Take the following steps to configure the tSAPTableInput
Open the Advanced settings view and select the
Use the RFC server option.
- Open the Basic settings view.
- Select the Use existing dynamic schema option and select tSetDynamicSchema1 from the Dynamic schema drop-down list.
- Enter a statement in the From statement field for joining data of the two tables ("VBRK INNER JOIN VBRP ON VBRP~MANDT = VBRK~MANDT AND VBRP~VBELN = VBRK~VBELN" in this example).
- Enter the condition for filtering records in the Filter field ("INCO2 = 'Hamburg'" in this example).
- Enter your RFC servers settings as prompted in the fields in the Connection configuration section.
- Leave the other options as they are.
Open the Advanced settings view and select the
Use the RFC server option.
Open the Basic settings view of the
tLogRow component by double-clicking the component and select
the Table option.
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