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Number handling functions

You can mask numbers.

Function Random masking Consistent masking Format-preserving encryption Input data validation Note
Generate value between two values Yes No No No To mask values in a bijective manner, you can use the tPatternMasking component.
Numeric variance Yes No No No


Generate value between two values

This function generates a number randomly chosen between the user-defined minimum and maximum values.
Option Description
Extra parameter This function requires an extra parameter.

The minimum and maximum values are specified as an extra parameter, by a comma-separated list of two integers, for example: "1,10".

If the user-defined minimum and maximum values do not use the right format, the function returns the following masked values:
  • If the data type of the input column is String, the functions returns an empty string.
  • If the data type of the input column is a numeric data type, the functions returns 0.

The masked value has been randomly selected within the minimum value (50) and the maximum value (99) defined as extra parameters.

Input value Extra parameter Example of a masked value
24 "50,99" 93

Numeric variance

This function varies the input numeric value, based on the percentage specified as an extra parameter.

This function applies only to numeric data types: Integer, Long, Float and Double.

Option Description
Extra parameter This function requires an extra parameter.

The extra parameter must be a number, this parameter represents a percentage of modification. The function modifies the input data by multiplying it by a number between the parameter and its opposite.

For example, if the input is 100 and the parameter is 10, then the generated value will be a randomly selected value between 90 (100 - 10%) and 110 (100 + 10%).

If the extra parameter is 0, it will be replaced with 10.

If the input is null, then the function will return 0.

In the following example, the masked value has been randomly selected between 5 (10 - 50%) and 15 (10 + 50%).

Input value Extra parameter Example of a masked value
10 "50" 7

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