Number handling functions
You can mask numbers.
Function | Random masking | Consistent masking | Format-preserving encryption | Input data validation | Note |
Generate value between two values | Yes | No | No | No | To mask values in a bijective manner, you can use the tPatternMasking component. |
Numeric variance | Yes | No | No | No |
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Generate value between two values
Option | Description |
Extra parameter |
This function requires an extra parameter.
The minimum and maximum values are specified as an extra parameter, by a comma-separated list of two integers, for example: "1,10". If the
user-defined minimum and maximum values do not use the right format, the
function returns the following masked values:
The masked value has been randomly selected within the minimum value (50) and the maximum value (99) defined as extra parameters.
Input value | Extra parameter | Example of a masked value |
24 | "50,99" | 93 |
Numeric variance
This function varies the input numeric value, based on the percentage specified as an extra parameter.
This function applies only to numeric data types: Integer, Long, Float and Double.
Option | Description |
Extra parameter |
This function requires an extra parameter.
The extra parameter must be a number, this parameter represents a percentage of modification. The function modifies the input data by multiplying it by a number between the parameter and its opposite. For example, if the input is 100 and the parameter is 10, then the generated value will be a randomly selected value between 90 (100 - 10%) and 110 (100 + 10%). If the extra parameter is 0, it will be replaced with 10. If the input is null, then the function will return 0. |
In the following example, the masked value has been randomly selected between 5 (10 - 50%) and 15 (10 + 50%).
Input value | Extra parameter | Example of a masked value |
10 | "50" | 7 |