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SAP SuccessFactors Payroll 

SAP SuccessFactors Payroll is the payroll module of the SAP SuccessFactors software suite. You can use SAP SuccessFactors Payroll as a data source when landing or replicating data. with Data Gateway - Data Movement.

For other areas of SAP SuccessFactors, use the SAP SuccessFactors  connector.

InformatieSee also SAP Employee Central Payroll .

Preparing for authentication

To access your SAP SuccessFactors Payroll data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

InformatieMake sure that the account you use has read access to the tables you want to fetch.

Creating the connection

For more information, see Verbinding maken met SaaS-applicaties.

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Selecteer een Data Movement gateway als dit is vereist voor uw usecase.


Dit veld is niet beschikbaar met het Qlik Talend Cloud Starter-abonnement, omdat het geen ondersteuning biedt voor Data Movement gateway. Als u een ander abonnementsniveau hebt en Data Movement gateway niet wilt gebruiken, selecteer dan Geen.

Raadpleeg Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement voor informatie over de voordelen van Data Movement gateway en usecases waarvoor deze is vereist.

Username User name in SAP SuccessFactors.
Password Password in SAP SuccessFactors.
OData URL The OData discovery URL for your SAP SuccessFactors tenant.

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