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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is an analytics service that enables you to measure traffic and engagement across your websites and apps. You can use Google Analytics 4 custom reports as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Supported update methods

For more information, see Verwerken wijzigen.

  • Reload and compare

  • Full load

  • Reload

Preparing for authentication

To access your Google Analytics 4 custom reports, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

  1. Go to and click Enable.

  2. Go to and click Enable.

  3. Go to and click Enable.

  4. Click Credentials.

  5. Click Create credentials.

  6. Click OAuth client ID, and select Web application.

  7. Add as an Authorized redirect URI.

  8. Click Create.

You can now see Client ID and Client Secret that you need to copy to the connection settings.

InformatieZorg dat het account dat u gebruikt leestoegang heeft voor de tabellen die u wilt ophalen.

Custom reports

You can use up to ten Google Analytics 4 custom reports.

  1. Go to, and make sure it is set to GA4.

  2. Select your metrics and dimensions.

  3. Click the copy icon next to Request JSON at the bottom of the page to copy the value.

    WaarschuwingDo not try to copy any other way than using the copy icon.
  4. Paste the copied text to a custom report field in the connection.

Informatie Start and end dates from the report are not used. Instead, the Start Date set in the connection is used.

Creating the connection

  1. Klik op Authenticeren nadat u de vereiste verbindingsinstellingen hebt ingevuld.

    U wordt mogelijk verzocht om u aan te melden bij de bronapplicatie.

    Er wordt een venster met de authentiecode weergegeven.

  2. Kopieer de code naar het klembord en ga terug naar het verbindingsvenster.

  3. Plak de code in Voltooi de verificatie met de door de bron geleverde code en klik op Verifiëren.

    TipU moet mogelijk naar beneden scrollen om dit veld te kunnen zien.

    De authenticatie is geverifieerd als de status op Geverifieerd staat.

  4. Geef in Verbindingsnaam een naam voor de verbinding op.

  5. Selecteer Metagegevens verbinding openen om metagegevens te definiëren voor de verbinding nadat deze is gemaakt.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Selecteer een Gateway voor gegevensverplaatsing om te gebruiken bij het repliceren van gegevens.

Client ID Client ID for Google Analytics GA4 OAuth authentication.
Client Secret

Client secret for Google Analytics GA4 OAuth authentication.

Custom Report One

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Two

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Three

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Four

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Five

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Six

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Seven

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Eight

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Nine

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Custom Report Ten

Custom report JSON.

For more information, see Custom reports.

Start Date

Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example: 2020-10-01

InformatieStart and end dates from the report are not used.
Property ID

Google Analytics 4 property identifier.

For more information, see

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