Document Properties: Sheets
The Document Properties: Sheets tab helps to keep track of every sheet and sheet object of the QlikView-document. This dialog page consists of two lists, the Sheets list and the Sheet Objects list.
It is possible to sort either table on any column, by clicking its column header.
The Sheets list contains the following information:
Property | Description |
# | The sheet number (position), counting from 0. |
SheetID | The unique ID of the sheet. |
Title | The text currently shown in the sheet tab. |
Status | Indicates whether the sheet is normal, hidden or has a show condition. |
# Objects | The current number of sheet objects on the sheet. |
After clicking a sheet in the list, use the buttons below to either Delete it or open its Properties dialog directly from this menu. It is also possible to Promote/Demote the sheet from here.
The Sheet Objects list contains the following information:
Property | Description |
SheetID | The unique ID of the sheet. |
ObjectID | Lists the unique Object ID of every existing sheet object. Linked objects have the same ID. |
Type | Clarifies the object type. |
Caption | The text currently shown in the caption of the sheet object. |
ShowMode | Indicates whether the object is normal, minimized, maximized, hidden or has a show condition. |
CalcTime | The time in milliseconds needed for the last recalculation of the object's contents. This information is only relevant for objects that are actually calculated (charts, Table boxes and any objects containing formulas). |
Layer | The layer as defined on the Layout page of a sheet object properties dialog, defined as Bottom, Normal or Top corresponding to the numbers -1, 0 or 1 in the list. (The layer of a sheet object can however be set to any number between -128 and +127 via the Automation API.) |
Memory | The amount of transient memory (in kBytes) needed for the last recalculation of the object's contents. This information is only relevant for objects that are actually calculated (charts, Table boxes and any objects containing formulas). |
Top, Right,
Bottom |
The current position of the indicated edge of the sheet object relative to the edge of the document window, expressed in pixels. |
Width, Height | The size dimensions of the object, expressed in pixels. |
Left (Min),
Top (Min), Right (Min),
Bottom (Min) |
The current position of the object when iconized (=minimized), expressed in pixels. |
Width | The current width of the sheet object's minimized icon, expressed in pixels. |
Height | The current height of the sheet object's minimized icon, expressed in pixels. |
Export Structure | By pressing this button it is possible to export the sheet and sheet object structure of the document to a set of text files. These text files, one for the sheets (, and one for the sheet objects ( can easily be read back into QlikView for further analysis with the full power of the QlikView logic. A dialog will appear where the target folder for the export can be chosen. The default is to put the files in the same folder as the QlikView document. |
After clicking an object in the list, use the buttons below to either Delete it or open its Properties dialog directly from this menu. Multiple objects can be selected with Ctrl-click.