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Filtering database tables based on their names


  1. In the Select Filter Conditions area, select the Use the Name Filter option.
  2. In the Select Types area, select the check box(es) of the database object(s) you want to filter or display.
    Information noteNote: Available options can vary according to the selected database.
  3. In the Set the Name Filter area, click Edit... to open the Edit Filter Name dialog box.
  4. Enter the filter you want to use in the dialog box.


    For example, if you want to recuperate the database objects which names start with "A", enter the filter A%, or if you want to recuperate all database objects which names end with "type", enter %type as your filter.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  6. Click Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the filtered database objects.

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