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TPS-5519 (cumulative patch)

Info Value
Patch Name Patch_20230712_Fixed issues_v1-7.3.1
Release Date 2023-07-12
Target Version 20200219_1130-V7.3.1
Product affected Jobserver


This patch is cumulative. It includes all previous generally available patches for Talend Jobserver 7.3.1.

NOTE: For information on how to obtain this patch, reach out to your Support contact at Talend.

Fixed issues

This patch contains the following fixes:

  • TPS-3872: Tasks redeployed after each restart of the jobserver (TPSVC-13658)
  • TPSVC-14107: Parameter Delimiter tab (\t) treated as string in tFileOuputDelimited if artifact published fromTalend Studio 7.2 and task published in 7.1 updated
  • TPSVC-14689: override JVM parameters specified for Job in Studio with ones provided during Job execution
  • TPSVC-15112: Allow dynamically switching JobServer to use native context values
  • TPS-4318: JobServer memory leak related to ZeroMQ mailbox (TPSVC-12728)
  • TESB-29867: Avoid org.talend.libraries.jmx export
  • TPSVC-15569: Allow jobserver clients to detect cache cleanups
  • TPS-4381: (7.3.1) Jobserver dont stop on CTRL+C (TPSVC-15729)
  • TPSVC-16265: (7.3.1) Move CONTEXT_PASSTHROUGH_PROPERTY to jobCmdPrms
  • TPSVC-15923 TAC / Jobserver resiliency issue with flaky network
  • TPSVC-16463 Upgrade jobserver dependency libraries version
  • TPSVC-15823 Remote Engine automatic purge doesn't work
  • TPSVC-13908 JobServer lifecycle broken in OSGi environments
  • TPSVC-16934 Update BeanUtils to 1.9.4 and Bouncy Castle Provider to 1.68
  • TPSVC-16969 Update Commons IO to 2.8.0
  • TPSVC-16967 Update HttpClient version to 4.5.13
  • TPSVC-16933 Update Jackson to 2.11.4 or exclude if not needed
  • TPRUN-326 Change JobServer encryption to use aesGCM
  • TPRUN-392 Update vulnerable ANT version in 7.3 JobServer
  • TPRUN-858 Instrument the CE used by the customer for TMC-24785 / TPRUN-861
  • TPRUN-861 Task job_tmcRestApi_00_Orchestration_Parent is intermittently failing on CE.
  • TPRUN-1088 Allow passing predefined execution ids to JobServer
  • TPRUN-643 Improvements to ExecuteCreateTmpDir
  • TPRUN-641 Cleanup JS monitoring server
  • TPRUN-1762 .cfg file doesn't contain all the info
  • TPRUN-1106 Support usage of classpath.jar for RemoteEngine Gen1
  • TPS-4994 file triggers fired more than once on new file creation (TPRUN-2340)
  • TPRUN-2532 Support for bundle refresh on feature installation failure.
  • TPS-5040 Mitigate / fix JobServer log4j2 vulnerabilities ( CVE-2021-44228 ) (TPRUN-2701)
  • TPRUN-2801 Typo in Jobserver patch doc link for TPS-5040
  • TPRUN-2543 Fix compatibility statement logged at JobServer startup
  • TPS-5075 [7.3.1]including the possibility to define the certificate password when defining the SSL on jobserver and runtime (TPRUN-1805)
  • TPRUN-3050 Upgrade Ant dependency in JobServer to avoid known vulnerabilities
  • TPS-5110 [7.3.1] JMX port 8888 is inactive for runtime from TAC while enabling SSL (TPRUN-2948)
  • TPRUN-3106 When archive was deleted, wrong job execution state will be returned.
  • TPS-5122 [7.3.1] Error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger" on restarting jobserver after removing log4j-1.2.16.jar (TPRUN-2864)
  • TPRUN-3152 JobServer secure mode is off by default
  • TPRUN-1294 Restrict impersonation users by default.
  • TPRUN-2345 Harden message deserialization ( backport to 7.3 ).
  • TPRUN-1293 Backport changes for 'CommandServerSocket thread safety issue' to version 7.3.
  • TPRUN-2214 JobServer package should include a NOTICE file with licenses.
  • TPRUN-3515 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.talend.remote.commons.msg.client.request.CheckServerMessage cannot be found by org.talend.remote.jobserver.server_7.3.1.20220321_1200_patch
  • TPRUN-3405 The FileListener does not jail the path to the jobserver deploy directory.
  • TPRUN-1296 Backport 'Prevent path manipulation attack in the FileServer' to 7.3.
  • TPRUN-3450 JobServer should not weaken TLS in the TACClient (backport to 7.3)
  • TPRUN-3451 CommandServer Denial of Service vulnerability (backport to 7.3)
  • TPRUN-3508 AuthorizationKey is logged
  • TPRUN-3697 JobServer should close stream of temporary context.
  • TPRUN-3604 Unzipper Incorrect size limit check and created files not deleted in case of error
  • TPRUN-3777 Non thread safe ClasspathJar writing
  • TPRUN-3679 Modularize function required for user impersonation.
  • TPS-5285 [7.3.1] Code cleanup & deprecation of 'launchFromShellScript' (TPRUN-3775)
  • TPRUN-3605 Unzipper add limits for nesting and path length.
  • TPRUN-3784 Update JobServer configuration/docs related to TLS version
  • TPRUN-3948 Align versions of JAVA source/target, dependencies and plugins on pom(s).xml
  • TPS-5359 [7.3.1] JobServer File server has no authentication. (TPRUN-3518)
  • TPRUN-4022 Update patch creation process
  • TPRUN-3916 Use RockyLinux as base image for JobServer docker in tests
  • TPRUN-4131 Check Zip Slip and Zip Symlink vulnerabilities
  • TPRUN-4126 Upgrade to OSHI 6.2.2
  • TPRUN-3836 Improve error message in case Job archive checks fail
  • TPRUN-3523 Add ability to disable the monitoring service
  • TPRUN-1740 Simplify approach to let users install patches and (windows) services
  • TPRUN-4023 Reduce merging pain between active branches due to different logging framework
  • TPRUN-4267 Folder name length check not working for ZIP without folder entries
  • TPRUN-4238 Attempt to publish a large job (while FileServer authentication is available?) causes a command server timeout
  • TPRUN-4400 JobServer client checkServer returns wrong compatibility info
  • TPRUN-4255 Do not log warnings when properties are not set but default value exists
  • TPRUN-4355 Ensure Copyright is up-to-date for JAVA classes with UnitTesting
  • TPRUN-4269 After Unzipper Exception partially unzipped file remain
  • TPRUN-3519 Add constraints on jobs to prevent DoS attacks
  • TPS-5372 [7.3.1] Adding File path traversal guard (TPRUN-4050)
  • TPRUN-4515 Delete deployedJobPath directory before re-deploying
  • TPRUN-4486 JobServer - Cleanings
  • TPRUN-4447 JobServer start_jconsole.bat script has wrong classpath
  • TPRUN-4761 Issue with FileEventsPacket
  • TPRUN-4048 Review Merge compulsory requirements
  • TPRUN-4005 Reading issue due to improper locking of job resuming log
  • TPRUN-3520 Check job archive signature
  • TPRUN-4753 Job archives that do not have a signature can be executed
  • TPS-5388 [7.3.1] Reading issue due to improper locking of job resuming log ( TPRUN-4005 )
  • TPRUN-4523 Update osgi.cmpn to 5.0.0+ and org.osgi.core to 6.0.0+
  • TPRUN-4892 parallel send protection error with tac and virtual servers
  • TPRUN-4898 JobServer checks cause problems for TAC deployments
  • TPRUN-4943 Ensure simple and consistent JobServer patch packaging
  • TPRUN-4804 JobServer - Remove deprecated launch from shell script option
  • TPRUN-4842 Check Archive Signature - set default behaviour to ON_UPLOAD and update documentation
  • TPRUN-5363 synchronized method in copy() cause all deployment to be queued in "SENDING SCRIPT" in tac
  • TPS-5450 synchronized method in copy() cause all deployment to be queued in "SENDING SCRIPT" in tac (TPRUN-5363)
  • TPRUN-5249 Job execution failures with long classpaths and impersonation
  • TPRUN-5106 JobServer client: provide a way to distinguish between recoverable and unrecoverable failures on JobServer side
  • TPRUN-5151 Correct JobServer API doc and fix parent related cleanup
  • TPRUN-5125 Update OSHI in JobServer to support Win11
  • TPRUN-3526 DI tasks run with 'Run as Impersonate User' are failing on Windows 2019
  • TPS-5508 Job execution failures with long classpaths and impersonation (TPRUN-5249)
  • TPRUN-5901 Ensure that CACHECRCMAP size cannot grow unlimitedly and block job deployment
  • TPRUN-6233 fix
  • TPS-5519 Missing package & org.apache.log4j, & Incorrect jna dependency version (TPRUN-6209)

Fixed CVEs


Consider the following requirements for your system:

  • Talend Jobserver 7.3.1 must be installed.

General patch installation

  1. Create a backup of the files in <jobserver_home>/lib, <jobserver_home>/conf and the *.bat and *.sh scripts.
  2. Stop Jobserver.
  3. Remove all files from <jobserver_home>/lib, <jobserver_home>/*.sh and <jobserver_home>/*.bat .
  4. Replace them with their patched counterparts.
  5. Recommended change of following configuration properties in <jobserver_home>/conf/ in case you use SSL:

    # Enabled protocols for JobServer socket communication
    # Enabled protocols for JMX management server
  6. Recommended to set following configuration property to false in case you want to disable the Monitoring Port 8888:

    # Enable the Monitoring port or not. true by default
  7. Add the following new configuration properties to <jobserver_home>/conf/

    # Set to true to retrieve the job table after restart to avoid redeployment of already deployed jobs
    # Set to true to unescape context parameters. 
    # Max size in bytes that an unzipped archive is allowed to be. The default is 1G.
    # Max number of entries allowed in a zipped archive

    If your server side SSL keys are protected by passwords different from the keystore password, you can configure those with the following settings:

    # Set password of server side ssl key (command and file server) - optional
    # Set password of server side ssl key (monitoring server) - optional

    It is recommended to set the following configuration property to true:

    # Set to true to enable authorization for all jobserver commands (recommended)

    New possibility to disable hostname configuration for the TACClient:

    # Set this to true to disable hostname verification for the TACClient

    The following configuration property enables authorization for all job file deployments. This requires that on client-side ( TAC, Studio ) support for file server authorization must be available and the system property org.talend.remote.jobserver.client.old has be set to false. For more details refer to the documentation.

    # Set to true to enable authorization for all job file deployments
    ( Requires additional configuration for TAC and Studio. )

    The following configuration have been added to add constraints on job to prevent Denial Of Service attacks. High default have been defined, it is recommended to adapt these to your environment.

    # Maximum number of file listeners, 0 = No limit
    # Maximum number of library dependencies embedded in a job
    # Maximum size of all library dependency names for a job
    # Maximum number of deployed jobs, 0 = No Limit
    # Max size that a job archive is allowed to be. The default is 1G, 0 = No limit
    # Maximum size of TalendJobServersFiles/archiveJobs folder, 0 = No limit, 0 = No Limit

The following configuration have been added to activate job archive signature check.

 # Activate job archive signature, 1 or more values separated by comma (',').
 # Possible values are:
 # - 'ON_DEPLOY' (legacy)
 # - 'ON_UPLOAD' (advised & default)

The following configuration have been added to block paths for usage with file listeners for security reasons.

# Absolute paths blocked for usage with file listeners for security reasons.
# Remove a path if you really want to listen to a file located at a path starting with a string specified here.
# Replace with "/" if you want to disable all file listeners

  1. An empty allow list for impersonation users is not supported anymore. If you want to allow impersonation for anyone and support jobs running without impersonation, you need to explicitly set:


    Please refer to the following examples to understand this setting:

RUNASALLOWLIST Run as user Execution Explanation
accepted No impersonation, OK
anybody accepted No impersonation, OK
anybody jim accepted All users allowed
* refused Must specify a user
* jim accepted All users allowed
jim,jules refused Must specify a user from the list
jim,jules jim accepted jim is in the list
ju* jules accepted jules matches ju*
  1. Check Read, Write & Execution rights on files

Per default, the rights should be:

  • rw-r--r-- (i.e. 0664) per default, meaning everybody can read, but only the owner can overwrite the file
  • rwxr-xr-x (i.e. 0655) for *.sh files, meaning everybody can read & execute, but only the owner can overwrite the file

If needed, feel free to update these rights to match your current installation environment.
Especially to allow further patch updates by a non-owner user, you might want to allow other users to have Write access.

  1. Start Jobserver

Updates of installation of the Windows Service

This requires that the general patch installation ( which also includes the backup of wrapper.conf modified here ) has been performed already.

  1. Stop the Windows Service
  2. Adapt the wrapper.conf configuration file<xx> entries to point to the jar files patched with this fix in <jobserver_home>/lib .
  3. Remove entries no longer in <jobserver_home>/lib .

Rollback of patch installation

( Includes changes possibly done for JobServer running as Windows service. )

  1. Stop Jobserver.
  2. Remove the files in <jobserver_home>/lib, <jobserver_home>/conf and the *.bat and *.sh scripts. and restore the unpatched counterparts from your backup.
  3. Start Jobserver

Affected files for this patch

All files in <jobserver_home>/lib, <jobserver_home>/conf and the *.bat and *.sh scripts.

New configuration parameters

# Set to true to retrieve the job table after restart to avoid redeployment of already deployed jobs

# Set to true to unescape context parameters.

# Set password of server side ssl key (command and file server) - optional
# Set password of server side ssl key (monitoring server) - optional

# Set this to true to disable hostname verification for the TACClient  - optional

# Max size in bytes that an unzipped archive is allowed to be. The default is 1G.
# Max number of entries allowed in a zipped archive

# Maximum length of zip file names:
# Restrict the length of any folder name in paths inside the zip file:
# Restrict the length of any file name inside the zip file:
# Restrict the nesting levels of folders inside the zip file:

# Enable the Monitoring port or not. true by default

# Set to true to enable authorization for all job file deployments ( Requires additional configuration for TAC and Studio. )

# Maximum number of file listeners, 0 = No limit

# Maximum number of library dependencies embedded in a job
# Maximum size of all library dependency names for a job

# Maximum number of deployed jobs, 0 = No Limit

# Max size that a job archive is allowed to be. The default is 1G, 0 = No limit

# Maximum size of TalendJobServersFiles/archiveJobs folder, 0 = No limit, 0 = No Limit

# Activate job archive signature, 1 or more values separated by comma (',').
# Possible values are:
 # - 'ON_DEPLOY' (legacy)
 # - 'ON_UPLOAD' (advised & default)

Removed features


When the option org.talend.remote.jobserver.commons.config.JobServerConfiguration.LAUNCH_SHELL_SCRIPT was set to false (which is the default value), the script files were regenerated in :

  • deployedJobPath/[jobName]/[jobName]_run.bat for Windows
  • deployedJobPath/[jobName]/[jobName] for UNIX

These files will no longer be regenerated ( updated with valid classpath ) and thus will not be executable anymore. To see executed command please use the debug level log.

Deprecated features


The possibility to launch from shell script using option org.talend.remote.jobserver.commons.config.JobServerConfiguration.LAUNCH_SHELL_SCRIPT set to true is deprecated and will be removed in end 2022.

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