Place the following components from the Palette to the design workspace.
In the tFileList
Basic settings view, set the directory to
loop on in the Directory field.
The filemask is "*.txt" and no case check is to carry out.
In the tFileDelete
Basic settings panel, set the File Name field in order for the current file in
selection in the tFileList component be
deleted. This delete all files contained in the directory, as specified
Press Ctrl+Space bar to
access the list of global variables. In Java, the relevant variable to collect the
current file is:
In the tJava component,
define the message to be displayed in the standard output (Run console). In this
Java use case, type in the Code field, the following script:
((String)globalMap.get("tFileList_1_CURRENT_FILE")) .
+ " has been deleted!" );
Save your Job and press F6 to run it.
The message set in the tJava component displays in
the log, for each file that has been deleted through the tFileDelete component.