Double-click the second tNeo4jRow
component to open its Basic settings view
on the Component tab.
From the DB Version list, select
Neo4J 2.X.X.
Select the Remote server check box and
specify the URL of the Neo4j server in the Server
URL field, "http://localhost:7474/db/data" in this example.
In the Query field, type in the following
Cypher query to import family data from the CSV file, create relevant
Person and Family nodes, and create relationships between persons and
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:E:/Talend/Data/Input/families.csv' AS csvLine FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
MERGE (family:Family { name: csvLine.Family })
CREATE (person:Person { name: csvLine.Name, gender: csvLine.Gender, age: toInt(csvLine.Age)})
CREATE (person)-[:From]->(family)"
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