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Setting up subJob 4


  1. Double-click tNeo4jv4Row_1 to open its Basic settings view.
  2. Select the Use an existing connection option and select tNeo4jv4Connection_1 from the Component List drop-down list.
  3. Enter the following clause in the Query field.
    "CALL apoc.periodic.iterate( 'MATCH (p:Person:UpdateMe) MATCH (a:Account:UpdateMe) WHERE = RETURN p, a', 
    'MERGE (p)-[:HAS_ACCOUNT]->(a) REMOVE p:UpdateMe, a:UpdateMe', {batchSize: 10000, parallel:false})"

    For more information about the apoc.periodic.iterate procedure, see apoc.periodic.iterate.

    Information noteNote: To call the apoc.periodic.iterate procedure, you need first to move the apoc-{neo4j_version}-core.jar file from the {neo4j_home}\labs folder to the {neo4j_home}\plugins folder.
  4. Leave the other options as they are.

    This component creates relationships among the Person nodes and the Account nodes that have the same id properties.

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