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tPersonator output schema

The tPersonator component generates read-only columns that are all of type String. There are two types of output columns: dependent and default. Information is returned in the dependent output columns if you have selected the corresponding settings. The default output columns are independent of the settings.
The output columns contain one of the following types of information:
  • The input information.
  • The information returned by the Personator™ Consumer Web Service.
  • null: you have not selected the corresponding setting.
  • The column is empty: there is no information to return.

The default output columns

md_RecordID; md_AddressExtras; md_AddressKey; md_AddressLine1; md_AddressLine2; md_City; md_CompanyName; md_EmailAddress; md_MelissaAddressKey; md_PhoneNumber; md_PostalCode; md_Reserved; md_Results; md_RecordExtras.

These output columns depend on the Basic (Default) setting that is always enabled.

The dependent output columns

If you select... Information is returned in...
Address outputs Address details md_AddressTypeCode; md_CarrierRoute; md_CityAbbreviation; md_CountryCode; md_CountryName; md_DeliveryIndicator; md_DeliveryPointCheckDigit; md_DeliveryPointCode; md_StateName; md_UTC; md_UrbanizationName
Plus4 md_Plus4
Private mailbox md_PrivateMailBox
Suite md_AddressSuiteNumber; md_Suite
Parsed address md_AddressDeliveryInstallation; md_AddressLockBox; md_AddressPostDirection; md_AddressPreDirection; md_AddressPrivateMailboxName; md_AddressPrivateMailboxRange; md_AddressRouteService; md_AddressStreetName; md_AddressStreetSuffix; md_AddressSuiteName
Own/Rent md_OwnRent
Geographics outputs Census 2 md_CensusKey; md_CountySubdivisionCode; md_CountySubdivisionName; md_ElementarySchoolDistrictCode; md_ElementarySchoolDistrictName; md_SecondarySchoolDistrictCode; md_SecondarySchoolDistrictName; md_StateDistrictLower; md_StateDistrictUpper; md_UnifiedSchoolDistrictCode; md_UnifiedSchoolDistrictName
Geocode md_Latitude; md_Longitude
Census md_CBSACode; md_CBSADivisionCode; md_CBSADivisionLevel; md_CBSADivisionTitle; md_CBSALevel; md_CBSATitle; md_CensusBlock; md_CensusTract; md_CongressionalDistrict; md_CountyFIPS; md_CountyName; md_PlaceCode
Miscellaneous outputs Demographic details md_DateOfBirth; md_DateOfDeath; md_DemographicsGender; md_DemographicsResults; md_HouseholdIncome; md_LengthOfResidence; md_MaritalStatus; md_PresenceOfChildren
Name details md_Gender; md_Gender2; md_NameFirst; md_NameFirst2; md_NameFull; md_NameLast; md_NameLast2; md_NameMiddle; md_NameMiddle2; md_NamePrefix; md_NamePrefix2; md_NameSuffix; md_NameSuffix2; md_Salutation
Parsed email md_DomainName; md_MailboxName; md_TopLevelDomain
Parsed phone md_AreaCode; md_NewAreaCode; md_PhoneExtension; md_PhonePrefix; md_PhoneSuffix
Phone country code md_PhoneCountryCode
Phone country name md_PhoneCountryName
IP address md_IPAddress; md_IPCity; md_IPConnectionSpeed; md_IPConnectionType; md_IPContinent; md_IPCountryAbbreviation; md_IPCountryName; md_IPDomainName; md_IPISPName; md_IPLatitude; md_IPLongitude; md_IPPostalCode; md_IPProxyDescription; md_IPProxyType; md_IPRegion; md_IPUTC; md_DistanceAddressToIP
Occupation md_Occupation

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