tIcebergMerge Standard properties
These properties are used to configure tIcebergMerge running in the Standard Job framework.
The Standard tIcebergMerge component belongs to the Big Data family.
The component in this framework is available in all Talend products.
This component is available when you have installed the 8.0.1-R2024-01 Studio Monthly or a later one provided by Talend. For more information, check with your administrator.
Basic settings
Connection | Select from the drop-down list the tIcebergConnection component by which the desired connection is established. |
Source type | Select how you want to get data to perform the merge:
Source table name | Enter the name of the Iceberg table from which you want to get data. This property is only available when you select Table from the Source type drop-down list. |
Select SQL query | Enter the SELECT SQL query that allows you to get data from
an Iceberg source. For example, SELECT * FROM Customers. This property is only available when you select Select SQL query from the Source type drop-down list. |
Source alias | Enter an alias to be used for the source table. |
Target table name | Enter the name of the Iceberg table in which you want to perform the
merge. Note that target table must be in version 2. |
Target alias | Enter an alias to be used for the target table. |
Merge on | Enter the Boolean expression to be used to join the source and the target
tables. For more information, see Merge feature from Cloudera documentation. |
When matched update | Select this check box to perform the WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE
SET statement, and enter the Boolean expression for the clause in the
Set clauses list parameter. If you want to add an extra condition to the match, you can select the Add condition check box, and then enter a Boolean expression in the Condition parameter. |
When matched delete | Select this check box to perform the WHEN MATCHED THEN
DELETE statement. If you want to add an extra condition to the match, you can select the Add condition check box, and then enter a Boolean expression in the Condition parameter. |
When not matched insert | Select this check box to perform the WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT
VALUES statement, and enter the Boolean expression for how to insert
values in the Values list parameter. If you want to add an extra condition to the match, you can select the Add condition check box, and then enter a Boolean expression in the Condition parameter. |
Advanced settings
tStatCatcher Statistics | Select this check box to collect the log data at a component level. |
Global Variables
The error message generated by the component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. |
Usage rule | This component is generally used with other Iceberg components. |