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Lookup in list block

The block Lookup in list allows you to find an object in a list (array) of objects.

The Lookup In List block.

The Lookup In List block.

Example inputs for this block:

Inputs for the Lookup In List block.

The Inputs tab of the Lookup In List block. List is set to a sample list. Under the Condition dropdown, Property from item in ist is set to email, Operator is set to Equal, and Value is set to a sample email.

The conditions that you use to lookup are identical to the conditions of the Conditions block. We refer to the documentation of Conditions for more information.

Example list

      {"email": "", "name": "John Doe"},
      {"email": "", "name": "Bill Davis"}

In the above example inputs and example list, the output of the block will be:

{"email": "", "name": "John Doe"}

Property from item in list

The input property from item in list accepts a key such as email or a nested key such as

Alternatively, you can also switch to Raw view, and use a full path to indicate a key. Example:

{ $.lookupItemInList.item.fieldname }

This full json path representation allows you to add e.g. formula's:

{ uppercase: $.lookupItemInList.item.fieldname }


This block uses an iterator, which means it can do lookups in large lists without the need to load the full input list in memory.

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