Selecting the columns you want to analyze
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In the analysis editor and from the Connection list, select the database connection on which to run
the analysis.
The nominal correlation analysis is possible only on database columns for the time being. You can change your database connection by selecting another connection from the Connection list. If the analyzed columns do not exist in the new database connection you want to set, you receive a warning message that enables you to continue or cancel the operation.
Click Select Columns to open the Column Selection dialog box and select the columns
you want to analyze, or drag them directly from the DQ
Repository tree view.
If you select too many columns, the analysis result chart will be very difficult to read.You can right-click any of the listed columns in the Analyzed Columns view and select Show in DQ Repository viewto locate the selected column under the corresponding connection in the tree view.
If required, click
in the Indicators view to open a dialog box where you can set thresholds for each indicator.
The indicators representing the simple statistics are by-default attached to this type of analysis. - In the Data Filter view, enter an SQL WHERE clause to filter the data on which to run the analysis, if required.
In the Analysis Parameter view and in the
Number of connections per analysis field,
set the number of concurrent connections allowed per analysis to the selected
database connection, if required.
You can set this number according to the database available resources, that is the number of concurrent connections each database can support.
If you have defined context variables in the analysis editor:
- use the Data Filter and Analysis Parameter views to set/select context variables to filter data and to decide the number of concurrent connections per analysis respectively.
- In the Context Settings view, select from the list the context environment you want to use to run the analysis.
For further information about contexts and variables, see Using context variables in analyses. -
Press F6 to execute the analysis.
The editor switches to the Analysis Results tab showing the results.For detail explanation of the analysis results, see Exploring the results of the nominal correlation analysis.
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