Double-click tDBInvalidRows to open its
Component view.
In the Validation type field, select
DQ rule validation in order to use the
given data quality rule.
Select Use an existing
connection to reuse the connection that tDBConnection creates.
Click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the schema editor.
Click the [+] button three
times to add throw rows and rename them as Name,
DOB and Email, respectively.
In the DOB row, select VARCHAR in the DB
type column, enter 19 in the Length column and 0 in the
Precision column.
Click OK to validate these
changes and propagate the changes.
In the Table name field,
browse to or enter the database table to be checked, customers
in this example.
In the Where clause field,
enter the clause to be used, in addition to the given data quality rule, to query the
customer data.
In this example, enter `customers`.`Email` like
's%' in quotation marks to retrieve the email records beginning with the
letter s or S.
In the DQ rule list field,
select the data quality rule to be used. In this example, select customers_age. This rule is a demo rule reading 18<=((TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(DOB))/365).
You can check the available data quality rules in the
DQ Repository, Libraries > Rules > SQL.