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tMapRDBConfiguration properties for Apache Spark Batch

These properties are used to configure tMapRDBConfiguration running in the Spark Batch Job framework.

The Spark Batch tMapRDBConfiguration component belongs to the Storage and the Databases families.

The component in this framework is available in all subscription-based Talend products with Big Data and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings

Property type

Either Built-In or Repository.

Built-In: No property data stored centrally.

Repository: Select the repository file where the properties are stored.

The properties are stored centrally under the Hadoop Cluster node of the Repository tree.

Distribution and Version

Select the MapR distribution to be used. Only MapR V5.2 onwards is supported by the MapRDB components.

If the distribution you need to use with your MapRDB database is not officially supported by this MapRBD component, that is to say, this distribution is MapR but is not listed in the Version drop-down list of this components or this distribution is not MapR at all, select Custom.

  1. Select Import from existing version to import an officially supported distribution as base and then add other required jar files which the base distribution does not provide.

  2. Select Import from zip to import the configuration zip for the custom distribution to be used. This zip file should contain the libraries of the different Hadoop elements and the index file of these libraries.

    Note that custom versions are not officially supported by Talend . Talend and its community provide you with the opportunity to connect to custom versions from Talend Studio but cannot guarantee that the configuration of whichever version you choose will be easy, due to the wide range of different Hadoop distributions and versions that are available. As such, you should only attempt to set up such a connection if you have sufficient Hadoop experience to handle any issues on your own.

    Information noteNote:

    In this dialog box, the active check box must be kept selected so as to import the jar files pertinent to the connection to be created between the custom distribution and this component.

    For a step-by-step example about how to connect to a custom distribution and share this connection, see Hortonworks.

Zookeeper quorum

Type in the name or the URL of the ZooKeeper service you use to coordinate the transaction between your Talend Studio and your database. Note that when you configure the ZooKeeper, you might need to explicitly set the zookeeper.znode.parent property to define the path to the root Znode that contains all the Znodes created and used by your database; then select the Set Zookeeper znode parent check box to define this property.

Zookeeper client port

Type in the number of the client listening port of the ZooKeeper service you are using.

Use kerberos authentication

If the database to be used is running with Kerberos security, select this check box, then, enter the principal names in the HBase Master principal and HBase Region Server principal fields. You should be able to find the information in the hbase-site.xml file of the cluster to be used.

If you need to use a Kerberos keytab file to log in, select Use a keytab to authenticate. A keytab file contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. You need to enter the principal to be used in the Principal field and the access path to the keytab file itself in the Keytab field. This keytab file must be stored in the machine in which your Job actually runs, for example, on a Talend JobServer.

Note that the user that executes a keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but must have the right to read the keytab file being used. For example, the username you are using to execute a Job is user1 and the principal to be used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read the keytab file to be used.

For further information about how Kerberos can be configured for your database in a MapR cluster, see Configuring Kerberos Authentication.

HBase Properties

If you need to use custom configuration for your database, complete this table with the property or properties to be customized. Then at runtime, the customized property or properties will override those corresponding ones defined earlier for your database.

For example, you need to define the value of the dfs.replication property as 1 for the database configuration. Then you need to add one row to this table using the plus button and type in the name and the value of this property in this row.


Usage rule

This component is used only with the other MapRDB components to provide MapR-DB connection to Spark.


Before starting, ensure that you have met the Loopback IP prerequisites expected by your database.

The Hadoop distribution must be properly installed, so as to guarantee the interaction with Talend Studio . The following list presents MapR related information for example.

  • Ensure that you have installed the MapR client in the machine where Talend Studio is, and added the MapR client library to the PATH variable of that machine. According to MapR's documentation, the library or libraries of a MapR client corresponding to each OS version can be found under MAPR_INSTALL\ hadoop\hadoop-VERSION\lib\native. For example, the library for Windows is \lib\native\MapRClient.dll in the MapR client jar file.

    Without adding the specified library or libraries, you may encounter the following error: no MapRClient in java.library.path.

  • Set the -Djava.library.path argument, for example, in the Job Run VM arguments area of the Run/Debug view in the Preferences dialog box in the Window menu. This argument provides to Talend Studio the path to the native library of that MapR client. This allows the subscription-based users to make full use of the Data viewer to view locally in Talend Studio the data stored in MapR.

For further information about how to install a Hadoop distribution, see the manuals corresponding to the Hadoop distribution you are using.

Spark Connection

In the Spark Configuration tab in the Run view, define the connection to a given Spark cluster for the whole Job. In addition, since the Job expects its dependent jar files for execution, you must specify the directory in the file system to which these jar files are transferred so that Spark can access these files:
  • Yarn mode (Yarn client or Yarn cluster):
    • When using Google Dataproc, specify a bucket in the Google Storage staging bucket field in the Spark configuration tab.

    • When using HDInsight, specify the blob to be used for Job deployment in the Windows Azure Storage configuration area in the Spark configuration tab.

    • When using Altus, specify the S3 bucket or the Azure Data Lake Storage for Job deployment in the Spark configuration tab.
    • When using on-premises distributions, use the configuration component corresponding to the file system your cluster is using. Typically, this system is HDFS and so use tHDFSConfiguration.

  • Standalone mode: use the configuration component corresponding to the file system your cluster is using, such as tHDFSConfiguration Apache Spark Batch or tS3Configuration Apache Spark Batch.

    If you are using Databricks without any configuration component present in your Job, your business data is written directly in DBFS (Databricks Filesystem).

This connection is effective on a per-Job basis.

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