Configuring the components
Double-click the tFileInputDelimited
component to display its Basic settings
view in the Component tab.
In the File name/Stream field, type in
the path to the input file in double quotation marks, or browse to the path
by clicking the [...] button, and define
the first line of the file as the header.
In this example, the input file has the following content:
City;Population;LandArea;PopDensity Beijing;10233000;1418;7620 Moscow;10452000;1081;9644 Seoul;10422000;605;17215 Tokyo;8731000;617;14151 New York;8310000;789;10452
Click the [...] button next to Edit
schema to open the Schema dialog box, and
define the data structure of the input file. Then, click OK to validate the schema setting and close the
dialog box.
Double-click the tJavaRow component to
display its Basic settings view in the
Component tab.
- Click Sync columns to make sure that the schema is correctly retrieved from the preceding component.
In the Code field, enter the code to be
applied on each line of data based on the defined schema columns.
In this example, we want to transform the city names to upper case, group digits of numbers larger than 1000 using the thousands separator for ease of reading, and print the data on the console:
System.out.print("\n" + input_row.City.toUpperCase() + ":"); System.out.print("\n - Population: " + FormatterUtils.format_Number(String.valueOf(input_row.Population), ',', '.') + " people"); System.out.print("\n - Land area: " + FormatterUtils.format_Number(String.valueOf(input_row.LandArea), ',', '.') + " km2"); System.out.print("\n - Population density: " + FormatterUtils.format_Number(String.valueOf(input_row.PopDensity), ',', '.') + " people/km2\n");
Information noteNote:In the Code field, input_row refers to the link that connects to tJavaRow.
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