Preparing data from a database in a Talend Job
This scenario applies only to subscription-based Talend products.
The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing preparation made in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, directly in a data integration Job. In other words, you can operationalize the process of applying a preparation to input data with the same model.
The following scenario creates a simple Job that :
- retrieves a table from a MySQL database, that holds some employee-related data,
- applies an existing preparation on this data,
- outputs the prepared data into an Excel file.

This assumes that a preparation has been created beforehand, on a dataset with the same schema as your input data for the Job. In this case, the existing preparation is called datapreprun_scenario.
This simple preparation puts the employees last names into upper case and isolate the employees with a salary greater than 1500$.