Configuring the tMap component
Double-click tMap to
open its Map Editor.
In the lower right part of the map editor, click the plus button to add
eight columns: age, annualRevenue, loanDeposit, loanAmount,
numberOfYears, loanInterest, monthlyPayment, rejected.
These columns will appear in the synonyms table on the right side of the map editor. In this example, the table is row1.
In the upper left part of the map editor (input flow), select the
age and annualRevenue columns and drop them respectively to the
age and annualRevenue columns in the upper right part of the map
editor (output flow).
Alternatively, click Auto map! to map the columns with the same name automatically.
In the row1 table, click the Expression column in the loanDeposit row to locate the cursor, and then click the [...] button to open the
Expression Builder dialog box.
Enter the following expression to calculate the loan deposit:
Math.round(((loanAsk.downPayment / loanAsk.totalAmount)*100))
Click OK to close the Expression Builder dialog box.Now the downPayment and totalAmount fields from the incoming data flow are concatenated to the output column: loanDeposit. -
Click the Expression column in the
loanAmount row to locate the
Enter the following expression to calculate the amount of loan:
loanAsk.totalAmount - loanAsk.downPayment
Click the Expression column in the
numberOfYears row to locate the
Enter loanAsk.duration to concatenate the duration row of the input flow to the numberOfYears row in the output column.
- Enter 0.0 in the Expression column of the loanInterest and monthlyPayment rows respectively.
- Enter false in the Expression column of the rejected row.
- Click OK to close the map editor.
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