Adding one or more licenses
Licenses may be:
- "incompatible": in this case, the combination of non-Big Data and Big Data licenses is not allowed.
- "compatible": in this case, the combination of the non-Big Data and Big Data licenses is allowed.
Upload a new license
About this task
You need to upload a new license file to change the current active license.
Information noteNote: You can also set a new license via the MetaServlet application, using the
setLicenseKey command. For more information on MetaServlet, see
Non-GUI operation in metaServlet.
- In the Licenses page, click Add new license on the top toolbar to open the corresponding popup window.
- From this window, click Browse... to select the file containing the new license, then click Upload to set the new license.
Upon validation of your new license, the license key and its parameters are displayed in the Stored license keys area, along with the other licenses.
Activate or reactivate a specific license
About this task
If you have uploaded more than one license and want to activate a specific license, do the following.
If you recently renewed your license, you may have to validate your license manually to reactivate it. For more information, see How to validate a license after renewal.
- Select the license you want to activate.
- Right-click and select Reactivate.
- If the activated license is "incompatible" with the other stored licenses, the other licenses are deactivated. This may result in the number of users exceeding the limit allowed in the new license. In this case, the administrator must access the Users or the Licenses pages in unblocking mode to fix this issue.
- If the activated license is "compatible" with at least one of the stored license, all these compatible licenses are set to Active.