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Example - Creating a profit and loss table with vertical bands

In this example, we use vertical bands to create a profit and loss report outlining the total sales and profit for each year in the app.

Refer to the example app sources here: Exemplo de materiais - Relatórios no aplicativo. Upload the app and data files into a space, and then reload the app. You are ready to complete the example.

video thumbnail

Step 1: Create data binding

  1. Create a new PixelPerfect template.

  2. Open the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu available from the right-side panel in the designer.

    Field List menu in the PixelPerfect designer

    The 'Field List' menu expanded from the right side panel in the PixelPerfect designer
  3. Hover your cursor over Levels, and then click Plus.

  4. Expand the Sales Tables sheet. Next to P&L by Year, click Plus.

    The data binding is created.

Step 2: Create the banded structure

  1. On the design surface, right-click anywhere within the Detail1 band and click Insert BandDetailReport.

    A new DetailReport band is inserted below Detail1.

  2. Right-click the DetailReport band. Click Insert Vertical BandVerticalHeader.

    VerticalHeader and VerticalDetail bands are added.

  3. Right-click the DetailReport band again. Click Insert Vertical BandVerticalTotal.

    A VerticalTotal band is added.

You can reduce the width of the bands to save space.

Step 3: Connect the structure to data binding

  1. Select the DetailReport band that contains the vertical bands.

  2. Click the gear icon at the edge of the design surface.

    Clicking the gear icon

    Close-up of the side of the design surface with a band selected, and the gear icon clicked, showing a popup menu for different settings
  3. In the menu, select the P&L by Year level as the Data Member.

    Nota de dicaAlternatively, click Cog wheel at the far right of the designer. Add the Data Member under Detail Report Tasks.

Step 4: Add headers

  1. From the toolbox on the left side of the designer, drag three Database icon with plus symbol Label objects onto the VerticalHeader1 band, stacking them horizontally as a series of three rows.

  2. Double-click each label and give them the following fixed text, respectively:

    • Year

    • Total Sales

    • Total Profit

  3. From the toolbox on the left side of the designer, drag a Database icon with plus symbol Label object onto the top of VerticalTotal1, arranging it so it is parallel with the Year label. Double-click the label and give it the following fixed text: All Time

Step 5: Add data to template

  1. Open the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu, and expand Levels.

  2. Within the P&L by Year level, drag the following fields onto the VerticalDetail1 band, stacking them horizontally as a series of three rows. They should be in this order:

    • OrderYear

    • Sales

    • Profit

  3. Select the Sales field you just added.

  4. Click the gear icon at the edge of the design surface.

  5. In the popout menu, click the ellipsis (three dots) menu under Text Format String.

  6. The Format String Editor dialog opens. Choose Currency, and adjust the decimal points. Click OK.

  7. Repeat this process for the Profit field.

  8. Copy the Sales and Profit fields, and paste them onto the VerticalTotal1 band so that the pasted fields are parallel to the original fields.

Step 6: Configure the total calculations

We need to configure the newly pasted Sales and Profit fields to summarize all data from the table columns.

  1. Select the Sales field you pasted within the VerticalTotal1 band.

  2. Open the Cog wheel Properties menu from the right side panel. Expand Data, and then expand Summary.

  3. Set Running to Report.

  4. Return to the design surface. Click the bold f icon near the selected Sales field to open the Expression Editor.

  5. In the Expression Editor, enter the following expression:

    sumSum([P&L by Year (P&L by Year_Level).Sales])
  6. Repeat this entire process for the Profit field you pasted within the VerticalTotal1 band, but instead use this expression:

    sumSum([P&L by Year (P&L by Year_Level).Profit])

Customize font properties in the Cog wheel Properties menu under AppearanceFont.

Report template for profit and loss table

Report template showing the structure defining the profit and loss table. The structure consists of a DetailReport band, within which there are 3 vertical bands side-by-side

Click Save template, and then click Preview report. Download the report and open it.

Report preview

Generated report showing the profit and loss table. The table details the profit vs. sales for each of the three years in the app data

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