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Compare object block

The compare object block compares two objects. The output is either the identical or unique key-value pairs from the two objects.

compare object block

Make sure to reference an actual object for each input, not just one field.

A compare object block is commonly used in the following situations:

  • When your automation needs to evaluate two different inputs to find common objects.
  • When your automation needs to evaluate two different inputs to find unique objects.

Configuring a compare object block

Configure the block to compare two objects.


The compare object block requires two objects as input that are to be compared. The objects can be field mapped objects from preceding blocks.

Compare object block input fields

Compare object block input showing two variable to compare


The Settings tab is where you choose what the compare object block is looking for: similar objects or different objects.

  • Return key/values that are the same in both objects returns key-value pairs inside the object that are the same.

  • Return key/values that are different in both objects returns key-value pairs inside the object that are different.

    • Choose whether to ignore keys that are not in both objects.
Compare object block settings

Compare object block settings with output mode and ignore fields

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