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Merging objects

You can optionally choose to merge records in the CDP when records originate from multiple sources. The default pattern is not to merge records in the CDP. This means that CDP Upserts are performed based on the external_id + source. In this case the CDP is a shadow copy from the source, since each record from the source has a one-on-one relationship with one record in the CDP.

An alternative is to merge records in the CDP, e.g. using email address for contacts. In this case the CDP Upsert is done using a merge field in the Where section of the Upsert, e.g. email address for contacts. The result is that for example 2 contacts from different sources end up as one record in the CDP. This CDP contact will have 2 external id's, one for each source.

Example of a merged contact in the CDP:

  "id": "76D4CBCD-7E5B-47A1-A131-C4E29552511F",
  "email": "",
  "external_ids": {
     "Salesforce": "123abc",
     "Hubspot": "456"

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