メイン コンテンツをスキップする 補完的コンテンツへスキップ

Talend CommandLine API

Talend CommandLineアプリケーションに-helpコマンドを入力場合に取得する、すべてのコマンド用の完全なヘルプ。

Talend CommandLineの最新バージョンを使っていない場合は、以下の一部のコマンドが使用できないことがあり、現在のTalend CommandLineバージョンのhelpコマンドを参照することをお勧めします。

[Commands] (コマンド)

|Talend CommandLine Plugin :                                                                       |
| * arguments can be surrounded by (") or (') characters                                           |
| * the semi-colon (;) character can be used to separate commands from each other                  |
| * special characters (space \ " ' ;) can be escaped using the character (\)                      |
|  addReference                                                      Create project reference      | 
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName/branches(tags)/bra| 
|                                                                    nchName(tagName), '|' as      | 
|                                                                    separator if add many         | 
|                                                                    projects                      | 
|  bridgeExcelExport                                                 Massive export of Job         | 
|                                                                    metadata for Third Party      | 
|      -d (--directory) directory                                    export target directory       | 
|      -filter (--filter) filter                                     job filter                    | 
|  changeMavenVersion maven-version                                  Change Maven version of jobs  | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|      -sj (--subjobs)                                               Include all sub jobs          | 
|      -ss (--snapshot)                                              Use Snapshot                  | 
|  changeStatus newStatusCode                                        changes items status          | 
|                                                                    Note: If you use the "-d" arg | 
|                                                                    with the item filter          | 
|                                                                    together, we will do the      | 
|                                                                    filter first and then get the | 
|                                                                    dependences of the filter     | 
|                                                                    items, finally change all of  | 
|                                                                    them.                         | 
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           update the dependencies       | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|  createJob jobName                                                 create job from script file   | 
|      -o (--over_write)                                             to overwrite if job existed   | 
|      -sf (--script_file) file path                                 job of script file            | 
|  createProject                                                     creates a project             | 
|      -pa (--project-author) author login                           project author (email)        | 
|      -pap (--project-author-password) password                     password of author            | 
|      -pd (--project-description) description                       project description           | 
|      -pl (--project-language) language (java/perl)                 project language              | 
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  | 
|  deleteItems                                                       delete items                  | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|  deleteReference                                                   Delete project reference      | 
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName, '|' as separator | 
|                                                                    if add many projects          | 
|  detectCVE                                                         Detect jobs impacted by CVEs  | 
|      -ci (--cve-index-file) cve-index-file                         CVE index file(.csv format)   | 
|      -from (--from-version) from-version                           From version(monthly patch    | 
|                                                                    version), for example:        | 
|                                                                    R2022-01                      | 
|      -inf (--include-not-fixed) include-not-fixed                  Include not fixed CVE in      | 
|                                                                    report or not                 | 
|      -rf (--report-file) report-file                               Report file path              | 
|      -to (--to-version) to-version                                 To version(monthly patch      | 
|                                                                    version), for example:        | 
|                                                                    R2022-01                      | 
|  executeReport                                                     Execute reports               | 
|      -n (--name) name                                              Report names                  | 
|      -p (--path) path                                              Report file pathes (relative  | 
|                                                                    path, e.g. /Project/TDQ_Data  | 
|                                                                    Profiling/Reports/File).      | 
|      -pc (--report-context) context name                           chooses a report context      | 
|  getCommandStatus commandId                                        gets command status           | 
|      -ci (--childIndex) index                                      child index in Group Command  | 
|                                                                    (if other commands, will be   | 
|                                                                    ignore)                       | 
|  importItems source (dir|.zip)                                     imports items                 | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|      -im (--implicit)                                              import implicit               | 
|      -o (--overwrite)                                              overwrite existing items      | 
|      -s (--status)                                                 import the status             | 
|      -sl (--statslogs)                                             import stats & logs params    | 
|  initLocal                                                         init local repository         | 
|  listCommand                                                       lists commands                | 
|      -a (--all)                                                    lists all commands            | 
|      -q (--queue)                                                  lists queue(waitting)         | 
|                                                                    commands                      | 
|      -r (--run)                                                    lists running commands        | 
|  listItem                                                          lists items                   | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|      -m (--metadata)                                               show item's metadata          | 
|  listJob                                                           lists jobs                    | 
|  listProject                                                       lists available projects      | 
|      -b (--branch)                                                 Show branch projects          | 
|  listRoute                                                         lists routes                  | 
|  listService                                                       lists services                | 
|  logoffProject                                                     logs off                      | 
|  logonProject                                                      logs on a project             | 
|      -br (--branch) branch                                         branches/<branchName> ,       | 
|                                                                    tags/<tagName>                | 
|      -gt (--generate-templates)                                    generate templates            | 
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  | 
|      -ro (--readOnly)                                              readOnly on current project   | 
|      -ul (--user-login) login                                      user login                    | 
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 | 
|  populateAndGenerateReport                                         Populate and generate audit   | 
|                                                                    report                        | 
|      -dd (--db-driver) driver                                      the driver of database        | 
|      -du (--db-user) user                                          the user of database          | 
|      -fp (--filePath) filePath                                     filePath                      | 
|      -ju (--jdbc-url) jdbc_url                                     jdbc url for database         | 
|      -t (--template) template                                      Template of Audit             | 
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 | 
|  regenerateAllPoms                                                 Regenerate all poms           | 
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        | 
|      -wd (--with_dependencies)                                     Include dependencies of       | 
|                                                                    selected items                | 
|  setUserComponentPath                                              Set user component path       | 
|      -c (--clear)                                                  clear the user component path | 
|      -up (--userComponentPath) path                                user component path           | 
|  showVersion                                                       shows product version         | 
| Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Talend. - www.qlik.com                                                   | 

