Talend Artifact Repository is
based on Nexus. This procedure explains how to install and configure the Nexus package embedded with your Talend
Unzip the Artifact-Repository-Nexus-VA.B.C.D-E
archive file in a dedicated folder.
From the <ApplicationFolder>/bin folder, launch the Talend Artifact Repository instance by running the
following command:
nexus.exe /run
Nexus runs in the console.
To run Talend Artifact Repository as a
Install nexus as a service by running the following
nexus.exe /install <name-of-service>
If you do not provide a name, the service is named
Start Nexus by running the following command:
nexus.exe /start
Log into the Talend Artifact Repository Web application (default
login information: admin/Talend123). Make sure you have the relevant
rights to access the release and snapshot repositories.
After the first connection, it is strongly recommended to change the default
credentials of the default administrator account.
Change the default credentials of the admin user:
In the left panel of the Talend Artifact Repository Web
application, select Security > Users.
Right-click the admin user and select Set
Enter a new password for the admin user.
Grant browse permissions on the repositories
talend-custom-libs-release and
talend-custom-libs-snapshot to the user
In the left panel of the Talend Artifact Repository Web application, select Security > Roles.
On the top of the right panel, click Create role > Nexus role to open the Create Role view.
Create a role nx-view-custom-libs-browse and assign
to it.
In the left panel of the Talend Artifact Repository Web application, select Security > Users.
Click the user talend-updates-admin to open its
details view.
Edit the user by assigning the newly created role
nx-view-custom-libs-browse to it.
Execute the following commands in Curl or Postman to validate the permissions
assigned to the user talend-updates-admin, where
<password> represents the password of the user and
<nexus_url> represents the URL of the Talend Artifact Repository Web application.