Working with dashboards
Dashboards provide an insight of the catalog assets and are customizable to meet the specific needs of each user.
You can use dashboards to create reports on catalog assets.
You can also customize the Talend Data Catalog homepage and the Overview tab in the object pages. For more information on the Talend Data Catalog customization, see Customizing Talend Data Catalog.
As a user, you can easily customize personal dashboards and share them with other users. You have been assigned a global role with the Dashboard Customization capability.
As an administrator, you can define system default dashboards for the homepage of user groups.
Information noteNote: From 8.0 onwards, the dashboards can no longer store or execute user defined Java
scripts for security vulnerability reasons (to mitigate the XSS vulnerabilities).
Consequently, a new third party software DOMPurify strips all XSS properties when rendering
the custom HTML of the HTML widget. Therefore, if the HTML contains any tags that are not
purely formatting tags (font color, size, images, and so on), then they will be removed
automatically before displaying the HTML. In addition, all HTML attributes allowing to
enter Javascript (onclick, onload, and so on) are also be removed.