Przeskocz do zawartości głównej Przejdź do treści uzupełniającej


NetSuite SuiteAnalytics is the built-in reporting and analysis tool for NetSuite. You can use NetSuite SuiteAnalytics as a data source when landing or replicating data.

InformacjaThe System Notes table in NetSuite is not supported.

Obsługiwane metody aktualizacji

Więcej informacji zawiera temat Przetwarzanie zmian.

  • Przechwytywanie zmian danych (CDC)

  • Przeładowanie i porównanie

  • Change Data Capture (CDC) przy użyciu tabel zmian

  • Pełne ładowanie

  • Przechwytywanie zmian danych (CDC)

  • Przeładuj

Preparing for authentication

To access your NetSuite data, you need the following:

  • A NetSuite account with the Data Warehouse Integrator role.

  • Make sure that you have installed and configured NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Connect Service.

You need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

InformacjaUpewnij się, że używane konto ma uprawnienia do odczytu interesujących Cię tabel.

To find your NetSuite service host, port, and account ID:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite account.

  2. In the homepage of your NetSuite account, find the Settings module and select Set Up SuiteAnalytics Connect.

  3. Click Your Configuration.

Your service host, port, and account ID information are displayed.

Creating the connection

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Wybierz Brama danych ruchu danych do użytku podczas replikacji danych.

Service Host Service host.
Account ID

Account ID. This is the first part of the NetSuite URL.

For example, if the URL is, your account ID is 1234567.

Role ID

Role ID.

Consumer Key Consumer key.
Consumer Secret Consumer secret.
Token Token.
Token Secret Token secret.
Start Date Start date for reporting endpoints in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Customer Fields

Comma-separated list of fields to fetch for the Customer table. Set to * to fetch all fields.

InformacjaThis table contains a large number of columns that may take a long time to load. It is recommended to only select the columns you require here.
Transaction Fields

Comma-separated list of fields to fetch for the Transaction table. Set to * to fetch all fields.

InformacjaThis table contains a large number of columns that may take a long time to load. It is recommended to only select the columns you require here.
Transactionline Fields

Comma-separated list of fields to fetch for the Transactionline table. Set to * to fetch all fields.

InformacjaThis table contains a large number of columns that may take a long time to load. It is recommended to only select the columns you require here.

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