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Custom textarea properties

The text area definition property template can be used to add a custom property of text area type. When defining a text area property, the following fields can be used:

Definition properties
Field Description

Should always be string for textarea properties.

Information noteThe link effect is achieved by defining the component field to "textarea", see below.
component Used for defining how the property is visualized in the property panel. Used to override the default component that comes with the type setting.

This field is mandatory for a textarea property and should always be "textarea".

label Used for defining the label of the item.
rows The amount of rows in the text area component. Default is 3.

Used for defining the maximum number of characters in the text.

If undefined, maxLength will automatically be 512 characters.

ref Name or ID used to reference a property.
defaultValue Used for defining the default value of your custom property.
show Function returning true if property should be displayed.


Defining a custom text

Defining a custom property of text area type can look like below.


Information noteCustomization of properties always start with items:.
define( [
function ( ) {

	return {
		definition : {
			type : "items",
			component : "accordion",
			items: {
				settings: {
					uses: "settings",
					items: {
						MyTextarea: {
							label:"My textarea",
							component: "textarea",
							rows: 7,//the amount of rows in the textarea component (default is 3)
							maxlength: 100,//will not allow more than 100 characters
							ref: "myTextarea"
		paint: function ($element, layout) {
			//add your rendering code here
			$element.html( "props-textarea"+ layout.myTextarea );

} );
This is what it looks like in the property panel

Custom textarea text entry object in extension

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