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IField Interface

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine.dll

This class describes all the methods that apply at field level.

The handle member in the JSON request for all methods listed in this section is the handle of the field.


public interface IField : IQixClassBase, IDisposable, IChangeNotifier


Name Description

Clears the selections in a specific field.


Maintains the selections in the current field while clearing the selections in the other fields.

ClearAllButThisAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Maintains the selections in the current field while clearing the selections in the other fields.


Maintains the selections in the current field while clearing the selections in the other fields.

ClearAllButThisAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, Boolean)

Maintains the selections in the current field while clearing the selections in the other fields.


Clears the selections in a specific field.


Clears the selections in a specific field.

ClearAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Clears the selections in a specific field.


Returns the AND mode status of a field.


Returns the AND mode status of a field.


Returns the AND mode status of a field.

GetAndModeAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Returns the AND mode status of a field.


Retrieves the number of distinct values in a field.


Retrieves the number of distinct values in a field.


Retrieves the number of distinct values in a field.

GetCardinalAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Retrieves the number of distinct values in a field.


Gets the properties of a field.


Gets the properties of a field.


Gets the properties of a field.

GetNxPropertiesAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Gets the properties of a field.


Locks all selected values of a specific field.


Locks all selected values of a specific field.


Locks all selected values of a specific field.

LockAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Locks all selected values of a specific field.

LowLevelSelect(IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the element numbers related to the values to select.

LowLevelSelectAsync(AsyncHandle, IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the element numbers related to the values to select.

LowLevelSelectAsync(IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the element numbers related to the values to select.

LowLevelSelectAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the element numbers related to the values to select.

Select(String, Boolean, Int32)

Selects field values matching a search string.


Selects all values of a field. Excluded values are also selected.

SelectAllAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Selects all values of a field. Excluded values are also selected.


Selects all values of a field. Excluded values are also selected.

SelectAllAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, Boolean)

Selects all values of a field. Excluded values are also selected.


Selects all alternatives values in a specific field.

SelectAlternativeAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Selects all alternatives values in a specific field.


Selects all alternatives values in a specific field.

SelectAlternativeAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, Boolean)

Selects all alternatives values in a specific field.

SelectAsync(AsyncHandle, String, Boolean, Int32)

Selects field values matching a search string.

SelectAsync(String, Boolean, Int32)

Selects field values matching a search string.

SelectAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, Boolean, Int32)

Selects field values matching a search string.


Inverts the current selections.

SelectExcludedAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Inverts the current selections.


Inverts the current selections.

SelectExcludedAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, Boolean)

Inverts the current selections.


Selects all possible values in a specific field.

SelectPossibleAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Selects all possible values in a specific field.


Selects all possible values in a specific field.

SelectPossibleAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, Boolean)

Selects all possible values in a specific field.

SelectValues(IEnumerable<FieldValue>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the values to select.

SelectValuesAsync(AsyncHandle, IEnumerable<FieldValue>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the values to select.

SelectValuesAsync(IEnumerable<FieldValue>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the values to select.

SelectValuesAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, IEnumerable<FieldValue>, Boolean, Boolean)

Selects some values in a field, by entering the values to select.


Sets a field in the AND mode.

SetAndModeAsync(AsyncHandle, Boolean)

Sets a field in the AND mode.


Sets a field in the AND mode.


Sets some properties to a field.

SetNxPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle, NxFieldProperties)

Sets some properties to a field.


Sets some properties to a field.

ToggleSelect(String, Boolean, Int32)

Toggle selects field values matching a search string.

ToggleSelectAsync(AsyncHandle, String, Boolean, Int32)

Toggle selects field values matching a search string.

ToggleSelectAsync(String, Boolean, Int32)

Toggle selects field values matching a search string.

ToggleSelectAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, Boolean, Int32)

Toggle selects field values matching a search string.


Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field.


Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field.


Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field.

UnlockAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field.

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