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IGenericVariable Interface

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine.dll

This class describes all the methods that apply at generic variable level.

The handle member in the JSON request for all methods listed in this section is the handle of the generic variable.


public interface IGenericVariable : IPropertyContainer, IQixClassBase, IDisposable, IChangeNotifier


Name Description


Name Description

Applies a patch to the properties of a variable. Allows an update to some of the properties. It should not be possible to patch "/qInfo/qId",

and it will be forbidden in the near future.

ApplyPatchesAsync(AsyncHandle, IEnumerable<NxPatch>)

Applies a patch to the properties of a variable. Allows an update to some of the properties. It should not be possible to patch "/qInfo/qId",

and it will be forbidden in the near future.


Applies a patch to the properties of a variable. Allows an update to some of the properties. It should not be possible to patch "/qInfo/qId",

and it will be forbidden in the near future.


Returns the type and identifier of the object.


Returns the type and identifier of the object.


Returns the type and identifier of the object.

GetInfoAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Returns the type and identifier of the object.


Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.


Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.


Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.


Shows the properties of an object.

The following is always returned in the output:


Shows the properties of an object.

The following is always returned in the output:


Shows the properties of an object.

The following is always returned in the output:


Returns the raw value of a variable.


Returns the raw value of a variable.


Returns the raw value of a variable.

GetRawContentAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>)

Returns the raw value of a variable.

SetDualValue(String, Double)

Sets the value of a dual variable.

SetDualValueAsync(AsyncHandle, String, Double)

Sets the value of a dual variable.

SetDualValueAsync(String, Double)

Sets the value of a dual variable.


Sets a numerical value to a variable.

SetNumValueAsync(AsyncHandle, Double)

Sets a numerical value to a variable.


Sets a numerical value to a variable.


Sets some properties for a variable.

SetPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle, GenericVariableProperties)

Sets some properties for a variable.


Sets some properties for a variable.


Sets a string value to a variable.

SetStringValueAsync(AsyncHandle, String)

Sets a string value to a variable.


Sets a string value to a variable.

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