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On the Repository tab, the name of the database to use as repository for the QlikView Publisher (QVP) can be set. If the database does not exist, it will be created. The QlikView Publisher Repository (QVPR), is the database containing the information about every QVP task. The repository can be either XML based or stored on a Microsoft SQL Server.

Information noteThis tab is only available if a valid QlikView Publisher (QVP) license was installed.

Choice of Repository Type

One of the following options can be chosen:

  • XML Repository
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Depending on the chosen repository type, the settings available on the Repository tab will change.

Settings for XML Repository

Settings for Microsoft SQL Server Repository

Settings for XML Repository


The name of the XML repository.

Optional Base Path

The path to the folder where the XML repository is to be created.

Information noteIf this path contains a database with the same name, the data will be overwritten.

Migrate Data From Current Repository

When creating a database, it is possible to move the data from, for example, a company database to the new one. To migrate data from the current QVPR repository to a new path, tick this check box. To not migrate any data, untick this check box.

Warning noteIf the destination repository contains data, it will be overwritten. Please make a backup before continuing. If creating a database, the old one can be migrated, or the database will be empty from start.

Backup Settings


It is possible to configure a scheduled backup of the repository. One of the following options can be chosen:

  • Never, meaning that no backup is performed.
  • Daily at, meaning that a backup is performed every day at a set time.
  • Every, meaning that a backup is performed at an interval; each set minutes.

The backup is saved as a .zip file, named using the time stamp of the file creation.

Optional Backup Path

To change the path to the backup .zip file, enter a valid path in this field. By default, the .zip file is saved to the same path as the repository.

Backup Now

To create a backup immediately, click on the Backup Now button.

Settings for Microsoft SQL Server Repository

Get Servers

To choose a server from a list of Microsoft SQL Servers that are available on the network, click on this button.


The chosen Microsoft SQL Server name.


The port number of the communication.

Connection Model

The protocol that should be used for the communication with the Microsoft SQL Server.

Connect Using

Select the authentication method. One of the following options can be chosen:

  • Management Service User (Windows authentication), meaning that the Windows user, under which the service run, is used.
  • SQL Server Authentication


The name of the database on the Microsoft SQL Server. If this field is set to the name of an already existing QVP database, the data in the existing database will be updated.

Migrate Data from Current Repository

When creating a database, it is possible to move the data from, for example, a company database to the new one. To migrate the data from the current QVPR repository to a new path, tick this check box. To not migrate any data, untick this check box.

Warning noteIf the destination repository contains data, it will be overwritten. Please make a backup before continuing. If creating a database, the old one can be migrated, or the database will be empty from start.

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