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Table names

QlikView tables are named when they are stored in the QlikView database. The table names can be used, for example, for LOAD statements with a resident clause or with expressions containing the peek function, and can be seen in the $Table system field in the layout.

Tables are named in accordance with the following rules:

  1. If a label immediately precedes a LOAD or SELECT statement the label is used as table name. The label must be followed by a colon.



    LOAD a,b from c.csv;

    Table labels

  2. If no label is given, the file name or table name immediately following the keyword FROM in the LOAD or SELECT statement is used.
    Information noteIf a file name is defined as a wildcard such as *.csv, the name becomes tablename-1.
  3. Tables loaded inline are named INLINExx, where xx is a number. The first inline table will be given the name INLINE01.
  4. Automatically generated tables are named AUTOGENERATExx, where xx is a number. The first autogenerated table is given the name AUTOGENERATE01.
  5. If a table name generated according to the rules above should be in conflict with a previous table name, the name is extended with -x , where x is a number. The number is increased until no conflict remains. For example, three tables could be named Budget, Budget-1 and Budget-2.

There are three separate domains for table names: section access, section application and mapping tables. Table names generated in section access and section application are treated separately. If a table name referenced is not found within the section, QlikView searches the other section as well. Mapping tables are treated separately and have no connection whatsoever to the other two domains of table names.

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