Configuring remote execution
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Talend Studio allows you to deploy and execute your Jobs on a Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer when you work on either a local project or on a remote one on the condition that you are connected with Talend Management Console or Talend Administration Center.
For more information, see Running a Job remotely.
- From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.
On the tree view in the Preferences dialog box, expand
> Run/Debug and then click Remote.
- Optional:
To enable monitoring the JVM resource usage during Job execution on a Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer, do the following:
- Select the Enable remote monitoring check box.
- In Remote JMX port field, enter a listening port number that is free in your system.
- Optional:
To define a specific Unix OS user allowed to start the Job execution on a
Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer, enter the user name in the Run as (Set up user for
Unix) field.
If left blank, any of the existing Operating System users can start the Job execution.Information noteTip: By default, the username must start with a lower-case letter from a to z, followed by a combination of lower-case letters (a to z) and numbers (from 0 to 9). To allow using characters other than those letters and numbers, you need to modify the regular expression ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*\$ in the value of the org.talend.remote.jobserver.server.TalendJobServer.RUN_AS_USER_VALIDATION_REGEXP parameter in the file {Remote_Engine_Installation_Folder}\etc\org.talend.remote.jobserver.server.cfg or {JobServer_Installation_Folder}\agent\conf\ For example:
- To define a username pattern that should include a dot, like firstname.lastname, modify the regular expression to ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*.[a-z][-a-z0-9]*\$.
- To allow using one or more underscores (_) in the username, modify the regular expression to ^[a-z][-a-z_0-9]*\$.
If the network condition is bad, enter an appropriate value in the
Max size per package to transfer field to ensure that
the Job packages received on the Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer are complete.
By default, the maximum package size is 1048576 bytes (1 MB).
To remotely execute your Jobs while you are working on a local project,
configure the Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer details.
Information noteNote: When working on a remote project, you need to connect Talend Studio with Talend Management Console or Talend Administration Center so that the Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer settings are automatically retrieved.
If Talend Studio is disconnected from Talend Management Console or Talend Administration Center, you can not run the Job remotely because the Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer settings can not be retrieved and you can not configure them manually.
- In the table area, click the [+] button to add a new line in the table.
Specify the values in all the fields for the Talend Remote Engine or Talend JobServer, Name, Host name (or IP
address), Standard port,
User, Password,
File transfer Port, and Enable
The User and Password fields are not required if no users are configured in the configuration file conf/users.csv of the JobServer.
- Click Apply and Apply and Close to validate the changes.
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