Configuring the components
Double-click the cTimer
component to display its Basic settings view in
the Component tab.
- In the Repeat field, enter 1 to trigger a message. Keep the default settings of the other options.
Double-click the cSetBody component to display its
Basic settings view in the Component
- Select Constant in the Language list and enter the JSON string "{\"firstName\": \"Mike\", \"lastName\": \"Jonson\", \"age\": 74, \"job\": \"artist\" }" in the Expression field.
Double-click the cJsonParser
component to display its Basic settings view in
the Component tab.
- Select Gson in the JSON Library list and enter java.util.Map.class in the Mapping Class field to parse the JSON string into a Java map.
Double-click a cLog component to display its
Basic settings view in the Component
Configure the properties as follows:
- Select the Format the log output option.
- In the Arguments table, click [+] to add a row. Enter "multiline" in the Name field and true in the value field.
- Keep the default settings of the other options.
- Repeat this step to configure the other cLog component in the same way.
Double-click the cJsonWriter
component to display its Basic settings view in
the Component tab.
- In the JSON Library list, select Jackson to write the Java map into JSON using the Jackson library.
- Press Ctrl+S to save your Route.
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