Transforming message between JSON formats using JSLT expression
This scenario applies only to Talend ESB, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform, Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform, and Talend Data Fabric.
This scenario illustrates how to transform message between JSON formats using a template from the Studio repository, the local file system, and specified in the cJSLT component.
A JSON template file demo.jslt in the Studio repository and the local
file system with the following content will be used in this scenario:
"firstName": .givenName,
"lastName": .sureName,
"fullName": .givenName + " " + .sureName,
"fileName": split(.path, "/")[-1],
"unixTime": round(now() * 1000),
"status": $headers.responseCode,
* - givenName, sureName : .
For more information on how to create a Resource in the Studio, see Creating a Route Resource.