Returning values based on regular expressions matches
Use an IfThenElse function with a Matches function to define an output value depending on the pattern of an input value.
Before you begin
About this task
In this example, you have an XML file containing contact information. You want to check that
the state and phone elements match a specific
pattern and indicate whether a contact is valid or invalid using an attribute. You
can use the following XML sample as
<street>French Camp Turnpike Road</street>
<street>Santa Rosa South</street>
<street>N Kentwood</street>
<phone>(805) 456-7890</phone>
You can use the following XML sample to create your output
<contact status="">
<contact status="">

You can use the Test Run feature to see
the result. In this example, the following output is returned:
<contact status="invalid">
<street>French Camp Turnpike Road</street>
<contact status="valid">
<street>Santa Rosa South</street>
<contact status="invalid">
<street>N Kentwood</street>
<phone>(805) 456-7890</phone>