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Searching your datasets

Your list of datasets can become quite long over time, but the application offers you different ways to efficiently search among them.

Information noteNote: This feature becomes available for Talend Cloud Pipeline Designer users when Talend Cloud Data Inventory is enabled for the account.

From the datasets list, click the magnifying glass icon on the top right to activate the faceted search options. You will be able to use the quick search function to browse your datasets based on simple criteria, or apply a series of filters, allowing you to easily perform more complex searches.

The three search options are the following:

  • The Quick search, where you can simply use the search input field to browse datasets matching a criteria.
  • The Basic faceted search allows you to easily and intuitively combine conditions with logical operators.
  • The Advanced faceted search lets you use Talend Query Language to combine your criteria in a single expression.

Quick search

You can use the quick search feature to easily find datasets matching your input among a list of criteria. This a quick and straightforward way to start filtering your list of datasets.

Information noteNote: This feature becomes available for Talend Cloud Pipeline Designer users when Talend Cloud Data Inventory is enabled for the account.

From the datasets list, click Show faceted search > Basic to display the quick search field.

Start typing the term you want to search, and a drop-down list opens for you to select which category to search in. The four categories available are:

  • All
  • Dataset name
  • Connection name
  • Description
Drop-down list opened showing category to search in.

A badge is created to summarize your search filter, and the datasets that contains the term in the selected category are returned. You can continue to add badges this way, the operator between badges being and, or you can use the Add filter button to combine badges more easily.

Faceted search

You can use the basic faceted search feature to intuitively and efficiently search among your list of datasets.

Information noteNote: This feature becomes available for Talend Cloud Pipeline Designer users when Talend Cloud Data Inventory is enabled for the account.

From the datasets list, click Basic to enable the faceted search.

Click the Add filter icon to start creating your facet. You are guided at each step to add the available facet, operator, and values to search for. Each badge can be edited afterward by directly clicking the part you want to change. Values you enter for each facet are case sensitive.

Filters applied on a dataset list
Two filters have been applied on a dataset list, one filters on connection names containing 'Amazon S3', the other filters on dataset names containing 'Leads'.

The logical operator between two entries in a badge is or, while the logical operator between badges is and.

List of facets
Facet Description
API Status For a given dataset, an API can be Enabled, Disabled, Unconfigured, or Unsupported.
Connection name Name of the connection
Connection type Type of the connection on which the dataset is based
Crawler List of all the datasets created using a specific crawler
Custom attribute List of all the custom attributes defined beforehand. All the custom attributes values are then searchable.
Dataset name Name of the dataset
Description Description of the dataset
Empty values Number of entries that are empty in the dataset sample
Invalid values Number of entries that are considered invalid against the column types in the dataset sample
Tags List of all the tags that have been applied on the datasets of an account
Trust Score Talend Trust Score™ value of the dataset
Valid values Number of entries that are considered valid against the column types in the dataset sample
List of operators
Operator Description
= Returns values that exactly match the specified value
> Returns values that are greater than the specified value
< Returns values that are lower than the specified value
~ Returns values that match the specified regular expression
in Returns any of the values from a specified list
and Returns values that match all the specified values
or Returns values that match any of the specified values

Advanced search

You can use the advanced faceted search feature based on the Talend Query Language (TQL) to search more efficiently among your list of datasets.

Information noteNote: This feature becomes available for Talend Cloud Pipeline Designer users when Talend Cloud Data Inventory is enabled for the account.

From the dataset list, click Show faceted search > Advanced to enable the TQL search field. TQL allows you to accurately search for relevant datasets using a combination of facets and operators. After entering a facet and operator, simply type the value you are looking for between simple quotes.

List of facets
Facet Description
connection.type Type of the connection on which the dataset is based Name of the connection on which the dataset is based
entity.attributes.Enum.<attribute id> List of all the enumeration type custom attributes defined beforehand
entity.attributes.Text.<attribute id> List of all the text type custom attributes defined beforehand
description Description of the dataset
name Name of the dataset
tags List of all the tags that have been applied on the datasets of an account.
globalQuality.valid Number of entries that are considered valid against the column types in the dataset sample
globalQuality.invalid Number of entries that are considered invalid against the column types in the dataset sample
globalQuality.empty Number of entries that are empty in the dataset sample
trustScore Talend Trust Score™ value of the dataset
apiStatus For a given dataset, an API can be Enabled, Disabled, Unconfigured, or Unsupported.
crawler List of all the datasets created using a specific crawler
List of operators
Operator Description Example
= Returns values that exactly match the specified value name = 'Season 2018/2019 results'
> Returns values that are greater than or equal to the specified value trustScore > 3.50
< Returns values that are less or equal to the specified value trustScore < 4.20'
!= Only returns values that do not match the specified value connection.type != 'Salesforce'
~ Returns values that match the specified regular expression description ~ '201[0-9]'
contains Returns values that contain the specified value description contains 'Talend'
containsIgnoreCase Returns values that contain the specified value regardless of the case containsIgnoreCase 'tAleND'
and Returns values that match all the specified values name contains '2019' and connection.type = 'MySQL'
or Returns values that match any of the specified values connection.type = 'Kafka' or contains 'Kafka'
in Returns any of the values from a specified list connection.type in ['Amazon S3', 'HDFS']

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