MissingCount - script function
MissingCount() returns the number of missing values aggregated in the expression, as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: integer
Argument | Description |
expr Expression | The expression or field containing the data to be measured. |
distinct | If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates are disregarded. |
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your app and run it. Then add, at least, the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in our app to see the result.
To get the same look as in the result column below, in the properties panel, under Sorting, switch from Auto to Custom, then deselect numerical and alphabetical sorting.
Example | Result |
Temp: LOAD * inline [ Customer|Product|OrderNumber|UnitSales|UnitPrice Astrida|AA|1|4|16 Astrida|AA|7|10|15 Astrida|BB|4|9|9 Betacab|CC|6|5|10 Betacab|AA|5|2|20 Betacab|BB||| 25 Canutility|AA|||15 Canutility|CC| ||19 Divadip|CC|2|4|16 Divadip|DD|3|1|25 ] (delimiter is '|'); MissCount1: LOAD Customer,MissingCount(OrderNumber) as MissingOrdersByCustomer Resident Temp Group By Customer;
Load MissingCount(OrderNumber) as TotalMissingCount Resident Temp; |
Customer MissingOrdersByCustomer Astrida 0 Betacab 1 Canutility 2 Divadip 0
The second statement gives: TotalMissingCount 3 in a table with that dimension. |
Given that the Temp table is loaded as in the previous example: LOAD MissingCount(distinct OrderNumber) as TotalMissingCountDistinct Resident Temp; |
TotalMissingCountDistinct 1 Because there is only oneOrderNumber one missing value. |