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OpenAsync Method


OpenAsync(Action<String>, Action<Exception>, CancellationToken)

Open a connection to a Qlik Sense instance based on the current location configuration and the argument session.

OpenAsync(Action<String>, Action<Exception>, CancellationToken)

Open a connection to a Qlik Sense instance based on the current location configuration and the argument session.


      public Task<WebSocketConnectionResults> OpenAsync(Action<string> onMessage, Action<Exception> onError, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


Type Name Description
System.Action<System.String> onMessage

Callback to active when messages are received from Qlik Sense.

System.Action<System.Exception> onError

Callback to activate when an exception has occurred on the web socket connection to Qlik Sense.

System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken

The token used to synchronize shutdown events.


Type Description

A task with the completion status of the connect operation as result.


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