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Actions (Basic view)

Select the actions that the user is allowed to perform on the resource. You must specify at least one action.

Access rule descriptions
Action Description
Create Create resource.
Read Read resource.
Update Update resource.
Delete Delete resource.
Export Export an app from Qlik Sense Enterprise into a qvf file.
Duplicate Duplicate an app.
Publish Publish a resource to a stream.
Approve Approve an object belonging to an app.
Change owner Change the owner of a resource.
Change role Change user role.
Export data

Export data from an object. This includes the following actions:

  • "Export as image" for visualizations.
  • "Export as PDF" for visualizations.
  • "Export data" for visualizations.
  • "Export sheet" in the menu.
  • "Export story" in storytelling.
Information noteYou cannot grant access to only a subset of these actions.
Information noteYou can enable export of data for anonymous users by creating a copy of the security rule ExportAppData and modifying the copy to only have resource.HasPrivilege("read") in Conditions. See Security rules included in Qlik Sense .
Access offline Access apps offline.

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