Configuring the communication channel for Microsoft Teams
After you create a Microsoft Azure Bot, you can enable the Microsoft Teams channel. This lets you query your Qlik Sense data directly from Microsoft Teams using natural language queries.
Do the following:
Log in to your Microsoft Azure portal.
Click your Resource group to see the list of resources.
Click the Azure Bot you created earlier.
Under Bot Management, select Channels.
Under Add a featured channel, select Microsoft Teams, then click Save.
Select the appropriate messaging type, then click Save.
Information noteYou have to accept the Terms of Service to continue.
Now you have a communication channel between Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Azure Bot.
Starting a conversation in Microsoft Teams
Now that a communication channel is set up, you can begin to use Teams to get insights from your Qlik Sense apps.
Do the following:
Open Microsoft Teams.
Click New Chat.
In the To: field, enter the MicrosoftAppId that your copied to the notepad.
Now you can use your Team chat to make queries about your Qlik Sense apps.
Now that you have configured the communication channel, you can configure the Bot Channel Service.