XNPV - script function
XNPV() returns the aggregated net present value for a schedule of cashflows (not necessarily periodic) represented by paired numbers in pmt and date, iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. Rate is the interest rate per period. All payments are discounted based on a 365-day year.
XNPV(discount_rate, pmt, date)
Return data type: numeric. The result has a default number format of money. .
- pmt: The expression or field containing the data to be measured.
- date: The expression or field containing the schedule of dates corresponding to the cash flow payments given in pmt.
- discount_rate: discount_rate is the rate of discount over the length of the period.
Text values, NULL values and missing values in any or both pieces of a data-pair will result in the entire data-pair to be disregarded.
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your document and run it. Then add, at least, the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in your document to see the result.
LOAD 2013 as Year, * inline [
] (delimiter is '|');
LOAD Year,XNPV(0.2, Payments, Date) as XNPV1_2013 Resident Cashflow Group By Year;
Year | XNPV1_2013 |
2013 |
$2104.37 |
Given that the Cashflow table is loaded as in the previous example:
LOAD Year,XNPV(Discount, Payments, Date) as XNPV2_2013 Resident Cashflow Group By Year, Discount;
Year | Discount | XNPV2_2013 |
2013 | 0.1 | -$3164.35 |
2013 |
0.2 |
$6800.00 |