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This operation is licensed separately and then only available in the cloud service.

Returns point geometries for each address in a table, i.e. geocoding. Addresses that could not be found for any reason is not returned in the result. Specify either an address string in the Search Text property or structured parts in the corresponding properties, such as Country, Street etc. Combinations are also allowed. A recommendation is to not specify redundant parts which might confuse more than they help. If you for instance have both postal code and postal city and you trust that postal code is correct, then it is best to not specify postal city. It is recommended to always specify country.

Note: To geocode English or Pinyin addresses in China, the Contry parameter must be set to "CHN".

The returned table contains the fields for (values can be empty where data is not available or not applicable):

  • Key field - same as the key field for the name table
  • Address - The found address, formatted to address standards of the country
  • Geometry - The point for the found item
  • HouseNumber - The house number for the found item
  • Street - The street for the found item
  • PostalCode - The postal code for the found item
  • City - The name of the city-level administrative division for the found item
  • Adm1 - The name or abbreviated name for the first order administrative division (state) for the found item
  • CountryIso2 - The country code for the found item
  • Match - A value between 0 and 1 that tells how good the match was. 1 means perfect.
Parameters for AddressPointLookup
Parameter Type Use Description
Search Text string optional A field for unformatted addresses to search for. Can be addresses like: "1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC, USA" or incomplete addresses that is combined with data in other fields, like "1117 Washington Ave" and with City set to "Philadelphia" and Country set to "USA".
Country string optional Country name or 2 or 3-letter ISO code. Can be set to a constant string with three letter ISO codes instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes. Multiple constand countries may be specified separated by comma like:"SWE,NOR,FIN". To geocode English or Pinyin addresses in China specifically, this parameter must be set to "CHN".
State string optional State name or code. For most countries the state is not part of the address. Can be set to a constant string instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes.
City string optional City name, municipality or postal city. Can be set to a constant string instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes.
Postal Code string optional Postal code. Instead of specifying postal code and city in separate fields it is allowed to specify both in this field, separated by a space. Can be set to a constant string instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes.
Street string optional Street name. Instead of specifying street and house number in separate fields it is allowed to specify both in this field, separated by a space. Can be set to a constant string instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes.
House Number string optional House number. Can be set to a constant string instead of a field name. A constant string should be enclosed in double quotes.
Match Threshold real default:0.9 Return only result with a better match than this.
Address Table Dataset A dataset with addresses that will be looked up in the geocoder.
Preferred Language string default: The 2 letter language code of the preferred language in the reply. Will return names in the specified language where available. Note that most items only are available in the local language. Default is to return in the local language.
Service to use for lookup string default:default Name of geocode service to use at the server.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Generates rectangular or hexagonal bins for a point dataset. Generates a table with the bin geometries with a field that is an association to the original dataset.
Parameters for Binning
Parameter Type Use Description
Shape of bins default:Rectangular Defines if "Rectangular" or "Hexagonal" bins should be generated.
Side length of bins real The height of an individual bin (in degrees, note, one degree is approximate 10000 m).
Bin width-height-ratio real default:1.5 The width height ratio of bins. Optimal is often square bins but that varies by latitude. The formula for the optimal width height ratio is 1/cos(latitude), for example 1 at the equator, 1.15 at latitude +-30 deg and 2 at latitude +-60 deg.
Point Dataset Dataset The dataset with point geometries to generate bins for.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Deprecated. Use closest instead with high closest count.


Returns relations and distances between objects in one dataset and the closest n objects in another, if any is closer than the maximum distance. Adds a field called <dataset1 name>_<dataset2 name>_Distance with the distance in the specified cost unit (default meters) between the objects. The cost may also be calculated along roads and in that case optionally use travel time. This operation is useful in many cases, not only for getting the relations to the closest but also for getting distance matrices between a set of points.

Parameters for Closest
Parameter Type Use Description
Maximum cost (distance) between geometries real Maximum distance in in the unit specified in Cost unit.
Cost unit string default:meters Should be one of meters, yards, kilometers, miles, seconds, minutes, hours. Using time units imply that the travel time is used as the cost and length units that the distance is used. The time units are not allowed for Distance type Bird.
Distance type real default:Bird Decides how distances are measured. The following values are allowed:
  • Bird - measure birds distances between objects
  • Car - measure along roads with car restrictions, only supported for point datasets
  • Bike - measure along roads with bike restrictions, only supported for point datasets
  • Pedestrian - measure along roads with pedestrian restrictions, only supported for point datasets
  • Truck - measure along roads with truck restrictions, only supported for point datasets
Closest count real default:1 Number of objects in the second dataset to associate with an object in the first dataset. A value of 1 means only the closest, 2 means the two closest and so on.
Dataset containing geometries to measure from Dataset Objects to check for closeness to objects in dataset2 if specified, otherwise to objects in itself. When checking closeness between objects in a single dataset relations are never added from an object to itself.
Dataset containing geometries to measure to Dataset optional Objects to relate to objects in dataset1
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Produces clusters from a point dataset. Returns a table with relations between points and clusters. Also returns a table named Clusters with cluster geometries. It contains the fields ClusterID, ClusterCenter (point geometry) and PointCount. The count field contains the number of points in the cluster.

Parameters for Cluster
Parameter Type Use Description
Distance real The distance between a point and its cluster is not longer than this distance in meters.
Point Dataset Dataset A dataset with points to cluster.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Dissolves and simplifies areas to form larger areas based on a mapping between old area identities (or geometries) and new area identities. This is typically used for building custom areas that are build up by smaller well defined areas, such as postal areas of administrative areas. Returns a table with the fields:

  • <Dissolve Field> - association via the dissolve field
  • <Dissolve Field>_Geometry - the geometries of the dissolved areas.

The geometry dataset is optional. If not provided, geometries are supposed to be available in the dissolve definition dataset.

Note that overlaps of polygons are removed in all resolutions except Source.

Parameters for Dissolve
Parameter Type Use Description
Dissolve Field string default:<same name as the key field in dataset> The name of the field with identities of the new areas in the dissolve definition dataset.
Resolution string default:Auto The resulting dataset is simplified and the degree of simplification is controlled by this property. Available values are:
  • Auto - The operation calculates a resolution based on the data that often is OK.
  • Auto low - A resolution that is lower (half) of the Auto-resolution.
  • Auto high - A resolution that is higher (double) of the Auto-resolution.
  • Source - No simplification is performed. Note if the dissolve definition contain the same old areas twice in two different new areas source must be used.
Dissolve definition dataset Dataset The definition of which new area each old area belongs to, i.e. a mapping between old area and new area identities. The key field should map to the keys in the geometry dataset. If no geometry dataset is provided, the geometries should be available in this dataset.
Geometries to dissolve Dataset optional The dataset with area geometries to dissolve. May be none which means the geometries should be available in the dissolve definition dataset. The key field in this dataset must be linked to the key field in the dissolve definition dataset.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Returns a table that maps between the key in dataset1 and the key in dataset2 for all objects that intersects. The field names in the returned table will be the same as for the key field in dataset1 and dataset2 respectively. If both datasets contain polygons, the relative overlap area compared to the areas of the original areas are returned in <Dataset1>_RelativeOverlap and <Dataset2>_RelativeOverlap.

The operation is symmetric.

Parameters for Intersects
Parameter Type Use Description
Dataset1 Dataset A dataset with geometries to test for which intersects the geometries in the other dataset if specified, otherwise between objects in this dataset. When checking intersection between objects in a single dataset relations are never added from an object to itself.
Dataset2 Dataset optional A dataset with geometries to test for which intersects the geometries in the other dataset.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Same as Intersects but only returns the relation to the area in Dataset2 each area in Dataset1 overlaps the most. This operation is useful when you want to build a hierarchy and relate smaller areas to larger areas but the smaller areas might overlap some borders of the larger ones.

Parameters for IntersectsMost
Parameter Type Use Description
Dataset1 Dataset A dataset with geometries to test for which intersects the geometries in the other dataset if specified, otherwise between objects in this dataset. When checking intersection between objects in a single dataset relations are never added from an object to itself.
Dataset2 Dataset optional A dataset with geometries to test for which intersects the geometries in the other dataset.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Returns location information and point geometries for IP-addresses in a table. This is useful when you are analyzing access data to web services. The returned table contains the following fields:
  • <Address Table Ip Field> - same as the ip field that was looked up
  • <IP Table name>_Geomety - The point for the found item
  • CountryIso2 - The country code for the found item
  • <IP Table name>_Adm1Code - The code for the first order administrative area for the found item. Note that this code is not always compatible with the code returned by the location service.
  • <IP Table name>_City - The city for the found item

If you have many rows in your loaded data and the field with IP address is the same in many cases, it improves performance to set "Only load distinct" to "Yes" in the properties for the loaded table.

IP geolocation is inherently imprecise. For many IP-addresses it is possible to pinpoint a city but for others only country can be resolved.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

Parameters for IpLookup
Parameter Type Use Description
IP Field string optional The field with the IP-address to look up. Uses the key field of the dataset if not specified.
IP Table Dataset A dataset with IP-addresses that will be looked up in the geocoder.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Just loads the dataset, no operation applied. This makes it possible to load all the formats that GeoAnalytics supports.
Parameters for Load
Parameter Type Use Description
Dataset Dataset Dataset to load.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Returns area geometries for each name in a table by looking them up in the location service. In the location service names for things like countries, administrative areas, airports, postal codes etc are available. The returned table contains the following fields:
  • <name table key field> - same as the key field for the name table
  • <name table name>_Geomety - the polygon for the found item
  • <nameField> - same as the input name field for all successful lookups, only available if the name field is not same as the key field in the name table
  • <name table name>_Name - the name from the location database
  • CountryIso2 - The country code for the found item
  • <name table name>_Adm1Code - The code for the first order administrative area for the found item
  • <name table name>_Adm2Code - The code for the second order administrative area for the found item
  • LocationDbType - The type code of the found item, see the Location Service Description
The names can be specified as described in the Location Service Description. In that case the type should be set to Any and no country specified. No rows are returned for names not found or when ambiguous.
Parameters for NamedAreaLookup
Parameter Type Use Description
Name table Dataset A dataset with names that will be looked up in the location service.
Name field string The field with names to look up.
Type of data string default:Any Type of data that the names represents such as countries, administrative areas, postal codes etc. The default value means not restricted to a type. Restricting to a type potentially resolves ambiguities when same name is used for different entities.
Country code(s) string default: Country code (2 or 3 letters) for the country to access. Several countries may be specified, separated by comma. The default value means not restricted to a country.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Returns point geometries for each name in a table by looking them up in the location service. In the location service names for things like countries, administrative areas, airports, postal codes etc are available. The returned table contains the following fields:
  • <name table key field> - same as the key field for the name table
  • <name table name>_Geomety - the point for the found item
  • <nameField> - same as the input name field for all successful lookups, only available if the name field is not same as the key field in the name table
  • <name table name>_Name - the name from the location database
  • CountryIso2 - The country code for the found item
  • <name table name>_Adm1Code - The code for the first order administrative area for the found item
  • <name table name>_Adm2Code - The code for the second order administrative area for the found item
  • LocationDbType - The type code of the found item, see the Location Service Description
The names can be specified as described in the Location Service Description. In that case the type should be set to Any and no country specified. No rows are returned for names not found or when ambiguous.
Parameters for NamedPointLookup
Parameter Type Use Description
Name table Dataset A dataset with names that will be looked up in the location service.
Name field string The field with names to look up.
Type of data string default:Any Type of data that the names represents such as countries, administrative areas, postal codes etc. The default value means not restricted to a type. Restricting to a type potentially resolves ambiguities when same name is used for different entities.
Country code(s) string default: Country code (2 or 3 letters) for the country to access. Several countries may be specified, separated by comma. The default value means not restricted to a country.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


This operation is licensed separately and then only available in the GeoAnalytics cloud service.

Returns closest address for points in the list, also known as reverse geocoding. Points that are close to streets will get street level adresses, otherwise it will fall back to return postal area or city level hits. For points too far away, no data is returned. The returned table contains fields for:

  • Key field - same as the key field for the name table
  • Address - The found address, formatted to the address standard of the country
  • Geometry - The point for the found item
  • HouseNumber - The house number for the found item
  • Street - The street for the found item
  • PostalCode - The postal code for the found item
  • City - The name of the city-level administrative division for the found item
  • Adm1 - The name or abbreviated name for the first order administrative division (state) for the found item
  • CountryIso2 - The country code for the found item
  • Distance - Distance in meters to the found address.
Parameters for PointToAddressLookup
Parameter Type Use Description
Point Table Dataset A dataset with points that will be looked up in the geocoder.
Preferred Language string default: The 2 letter language code of the preferred language in the reply. Will return names in the specified language where available. Note that most items only are available in the local language. Default is to return in the local language.
Preferred Language string default: The 2 letter language code of the preferred language in the reply. Will return names in the specified language where available. Note that most items only are available in the local language. Default is to return in the local language.
Service to use for lookup string default:default Name of geocode service to use at the server.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Calculates routes including length and duration, between two locations in a table. Returns a table with key, length (in meters), duration (in seconds), status (OK or no route found) and a low resolution route line.

Note that the origin is the geometry column in the dataset. The destination column is specified in operation parameters since datasets only know of one geometry column.

If you use "bird" as transportation type it generates great circle arcs between origins and destinations.

There are limitations on the size of non "bird" routes based on number of steps needed to take in the routing graph.

Parameters for Routes
Parameter Type Use Description
End Points Dataset A dataset with origins and destinations for the routes to calculate. The origins should be in the geometry of the dataset.
Criteria string default:fastest Decides if fastest or shortest route is requested.
Transportation string default:car The transportation mode, one of car, truck, bike, pedestrian or bird (which flies at 10m/s).
Destination Field string The field in the dataset that specifies the destination. Note that the origin is the geometry field specified in the dataset.
Destination Geometry Type default:POINT Type of geometry in the Destination Field. Allowed values are Point, Location Named Point and Latitude and Longitude Point. In case of named points, the geometry is looked up in the location service and a column for the geometry is added.
Destination Location ID Suffix string For advanced users. The specified string is appended to all IDs. This is a convenient way to specify more information to server based location services such as country code or type. The alternative is to append the extra data when loading the table into Qlik. With the following suffix all items are specified to be cities in Sweden:
See Geometry Service Specification for more information on syntax to use.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Simplifies the line and area geometries in the dataset. Returns a table with one field that is the key to the dataset to simplify and one with simplified geometries.

The degree of simplification is calculated automatically based on area, number of objects and size of objects. It is then possible to adjust that to a higher or lower resolution with the Resolution parameter.

Area simplification is done with an advanced algorithm that handles topologies and can remove gaps and join islands.

Line simplification is done with a breakpoint reduction algorithm.

Note that overlaps of polygons are removed. There will be no overlapping polygons in the output.

Parameters for Simplify
Parameter Type Use Description
Resolution string default:Auto The resulting dataset is simplified and the degree of simplification is controlled by this property. Available values are:
  • Auto - The operation calculates a resolution based on the data that often is OK.
  • Auto low - A resolution that is lower (half) of the Auto-resolution.
  • Auto high - A resolution that is higher (double) of the Auto-resolution.
Geometries to simplify Dataset The dataset with geometries to simplify.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Generates a spatial index for a dataset that is needed for the "Select Visible" feature in the Qlik GeoAnalytics extension. All generated index tables should be included (the ones starting with "IdevioSIndex"). Normally the operation parameters need not be changed from the default values.

Note that the "Select Visible" feature in the Qlik GeoAnalytics extension depends on the variable _IdevioSIndexFields that the load script sets. This means that if you generate the index in advance and load that into your app, make sure to set the variable also. Copy the generated line that looks something like this:

Parameters for SpatialIndex
Parameter Type Use Description
Side length of cells real default:0.04 The height (in degrees) of an individual spatial index cell at the most detailed level. An appropriate value is the side length of the map view that it is common to zoom in to.
Cell width-height-ratio real default:1.5 The ratio CellWidth/CellHeight. Optimal is square cells but that varies by latitude. The formula for the optimal width height ratio is 1/cos(latitude), for example 1 at the equator, 1.15 at latitude +-30 deg and 2 at latitude +-60 deg.
Number of levels default:6 The number of spatial index levels to be generated. Each level has level factor larger cell side than the level below.
Level factor real default:4 The factor that the spatial index cell dimensions should be multiplied with for each level.
Script Dataset Dataset The dataset with point geometries to generate a spatial index for.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


Calculates travel time iso areas. All locations within the returned area can be reached within a certain time or is closer than a certain distance along roads. Returns a table with id, travel area geometry, center point, cost, cost unit and status (OK or failed).

If you use "bird" as transportation type it generates geographically correct circles around the origins.

There are limitations on the size of non "bird" travel areas based on number of steps needed to take in the routing graph.

Parameters for TravelAreas
Parameter Type Use Description
Origins Dataset A dataset with origins and costs for the travel area calculations. The origins should be in the geometry of the dataset.
Cost Value string default: The cost at the border of the returned area. The cost can be either a length or a time, see cost unit below. An alternative that allows individual costs for each area is to specify the cost field instead.
Cost Field string default: A field in the dataset that specifies the cost. This is only used if cost value is empty.
Cost unit string default:seconds Should be one of seconds, minutes, hours, meters, yards, kilometers, miles. When seconds, the area reached within that time is calculated and when meters, the area with a travel distance shorter than specified is calculated.
Transportation string default:car The transportation mode, one of car, truck, bike, pedestrian or bird (which flies at 10m/s).
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.


There is a relation between enclosed and enclosing if enclosed is completely inside the enclosing area. Returns a table which maps between the key in enclosed and the key in enclosing for all found relations. The field names in the returned table will be the same as for the key field in enclosed and enclosing datasets respectively.

Use within typically for finding which areas the data is in. For example to test GPS-position for which administrative area they are in. This is a kind of reverse geocoding.

Parameters for Within
Parameter Type Use Description
Dataset to test withing on Dataset A dataset with geometries to test for which areas they are enclosed by.
Area dataset Dataset A dataset with area geometries to test for which geometries they enclose.
precision integer default:6 Specifies the desired number of decimals to round to in coordinates. The default value is 6 decimals, which is precise to around 10 cm. If you do not want coordinates rounded, set the value to a negative number.

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