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Talend Cloud Data Catalog and Talend Data Catalog Applications

New features and improvements

Feature Description

Available in

Data documentation: new Apply Naming Standards menu

Added an Apply Naming Standards menu to the details page of a database table or view that applies the naming standards to the table/view and its columns.

All Talend Data Catalog licenses

SAML authentication: new support to configure the service provider (SP) entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URL

Added support in the SAML server configuration to specify the SP entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URL.

All Talend Data Catalog licenses

Notification: new ability to add user groups as watchers

Added ability to assign groups as watchers of objects in addition to users.

All Talend Data Catalog licenses

Notable fixes

Issue Description

Available in

Data Mapping: cannot edit custom attributes

Fixed the editability of data mappings in worksheets.

All Talend Data Catalog licenses

