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Talend Management Console

New features

Feature Description
Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit upgrade The Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit has been upgraded to 3.7.5.
  • On-premises task/plan execution history assessment: A new on-premises assessment/analysis has been introduced. The new dashboard collects and displays different Talend Administration Center operation or task and plan execution metrics such as execution statuses and execution times over a selected period of time.
  • Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit update notification:

    Starting from 3.7.5, if a new version is available, the Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit will notify you with the upcoming release notes and change log and will provide a link to download it.

Allocating a Remote Engine to a workspace The user experience has been enhanced to help you allocate a Remote Engine, Remote Engine Gen2 or cluster to workspaces.
Connection and resource IDs The connection and resource IDs are now available in the Connection details and Resource details respectively.
New user experience for plans
The user experience has been greatly enhanced to make it easier to organize your plan.

You can now move and copy the elements from a step to another one. You can also change the order of the steps.

Bug fixes

Some fixes are linked to internal issues, therefore not visible for users outside Talend.

Issue Description
TPOPS-553 The artifact was updated to the latest version after being promoted.
TPOPS-2608 Remote Engine did not appear in the cluster when the cluster is assigned to all workspaces.
TPOPS-2800 Tasks fail on Cloud Engines (CEs) with the message:
Exceeded the limit of deployment attempts: another instance of the same task was running on the engine at same time.
However, no execution is found in the Operations page.

Get started with Talend Management Console on Talend Management Console User Guide.

