Notification Types
Notification Type | Recipients | When a notification is sent |
Model changes (imported model, custom model, Data mapping, Semantic mapping, PDM) | Users who are model watchers | User’s notification frequency |
Configuration changes | Users who have Metadata Management capability on the configuration | User’s notification frequency |
Custom model workflow transitions | Users who have a workflow capability on the term | User’s notification frequency |
Custom model workflow transitions reminder | Users who have a workflow capability on the term that requires an action (workflow task) and the WORKFLOW OVERDUE PERIOD has passed since the last change to that object. | Every day after the WORKFLOW OVERDUE PERIOD has passed without an update. |
Imported model structural changes | Users who are model watchers | As soon as import succeeds bringing changes |
Import failed | Users/groups who have Metadata Management capability on the model | As soon as import fails (import is started by a schedule or user session has expired) |
Data sampling and data profiling failed during an import | Users/groups who have Metadata Management capability on the model | As soon as the data sampling and data profiling operation fails (import is started by a schedule or user session has expired) |
Configuration build failed | Users/groups who have Metadata Management capability on the configuration | As soon as the configuration build fails (build is started by a schedule or user session has expired) |
Import server down | Users/groups who have the Application Management capability (global) | As soon as the server is down and the number of heartbeats defined in the server is reached |
Mentioned user or group | Users who have the Metadata Viewing capability on the objects and are mentioned in an HTML text attribute for that object | User’s notification frequency |