Edit a Compound Data Class
- Manage data classes.
- If the data class does not yet exist, add the data class.
- You may edit all the properties in common for a data class.
Information note
You may not edit the Type after it has been set. You must create a new data class instead.
- Select the existing data classes which are to be included in the compound data class.
Information note
You may enter the query by hand, copy it from a worksheet MQL or use the EDIT button to query by example through a worksheet-like dialog.
- Click SAVE.
Sign in as Administrator and go to MANAGE > Data Classes.

Click the Add plus sign. Click Compound as the Type of data class and enter
- “Product Number” as the NAME
- “Product” in the GROUPS
- “Compound data class with data pattern and metadata query” as the DESCRIPTION

Click OK. Then pick the two other Product Number data classes.

Click SAVE.